Someone please throw me off a cliff

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     One more chapter before we catch up y'all. And trust me when I say, it's eventful. Too bad this isn't the chapter. No worries though, this one is... quite... eventful as well. I get attacked (again), we have a battle, and someone electrocutes me. Fun times. Of course, this takes place three days after my first duel. And no, Caleb and Damien have not made up. I think Damien has been sleeping on Maxine and Gabe's couch. But anyways, let's get too it.

August 27, 2020:

I get up, get dressed, and walk into the kitchen. As I always do. Lane is already up. She grins at me. "We finally got a day off." She says. "Yep." I grab a bag of chips out of the pantry. "Well in that case I'm eating junk for breakfast." I scarf down the chips. That's when someone starts banging on the door. "What the...." Hade swings open the door. "OBUMBRATS. LETS GO." They shout. Lane and I look at each other, then at our clothes, shrug, and get up. "We'll be right there!" Lane shouts. "You mean you will." My new staff, the one made of light, materializes in my hand. "I've been practicing." I say. Then I run out of the door. "DJ, GO GET ELIAN AND HERA." Nat shouts at me. I nod and run out of the common.

     "No time for knocking." I mutter as I reach the teacher dorms. I kick open the door with Hera's name on it. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK. GET THE HELL UP!!!" I shout. Hera bursts out of her room in her pajamas. "Delilah, what is going on?" Elian pokes his head out of her room. "Yeah, what the fuck kid?" Hera's face turns bright red. I blink slowly, spin on my heel, and start walking back towards the door. "I don't wanna know. We're being attacked by the way."
    I walk out of the mess I just witnessed and start running towards the loud bangs and gunshots coming from the other side of the mountain. I run through the school like a woman on a mission. I finally reach the battlefield. And it's chaotic as hell. Nat freezes who she's fighting and runs over to me. "Thank god. Where's Elian and Hera?" "I've just been slightly traumatized. They should be here soon though." Nat's eyebrows raise but she doesn't ask. "Well... we oughta get to work." She says with a small smirk. I smirk back, and summon my staff. "Let's do this."
My staff shifts into a hammer and I leap into action. And then I almost immediately get hit out of the sky by a rock to the gut. I roll across the ground. "Fuck!" I look around and see a very nervous looking L.O. Member staring at me. I will the ground beneath them to throw them like the trash they are. I get back up and swing my mallet at the person nearest to me. They go flying. I keep fighting, hitting obumbrats like golf balls. Sweat pours down my brow. Suddenly I hear Caleb scream. "DAMIEN!!!!"
I turn around. Caleb holding his brothers limp body in his arms. He's on his knees. My eyes widen in horror as my eyes land on the blood seeping through Damiens shirt from a spot on his back. "Oh God." I whisper. I freeze the person I was fighting and run towards him. So does Maxine, Gabe, Lane, and Karson. Caleb is holding Damien and sobbing. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispers to his brother's limp body. I start to tear up. Caleb was an asshole, but he doesn't deserve to see a loved one die. Especially like this. Maxine reaches out to him. "Caleb-" he seats her hands away. "Fuck off!" He shouts.
Tears are pouring down his face. On top of looking like he hasn't slept since our duel, his undercut, which is usually slicked back and makes him look like half of the dudes at my school in Texas, is flopped over to one side. Honestly if looks better that way. But he still looks like a mess. I glance down at Damien and swallow a sob. He didn't deserve this. Caleb hugs his brothers body close. And then he starts glowing red. "Run." I say, grabbing Lane and Maxine. They both grab onto Karson and Gabe. We run away from Caleb. "NAT! HADE! MATEO!" I shout, nodding in Calebs direction. Hade pales, and Nat and Mateo immediately scatter. Caleb slowly ate Shia brothers body down. "Who. Fucking. Shot him." Caleb growls. The battle field falls silent as Caleb stands. "WHO?!?!" He roars. Bright red lightning strikes the obumbrat nearest to him. One person in particular looks absolutely terrified. Caleb notices them and starts walking towards them. Well they're screwed.
Caleb grabs them and slams them down against the pavement. "Wait NO! STOP!" The person shouts, squirming in Caleb's grip. "I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!" They yell. "Anything?" Caleb seems to calm just for a second. And then he slams the person against the pavement again. "Bring my fucking brother back bitch." Caleb yeets the dude into a wall. I wince. "He ain't getting back up." Lane elbows me in the ribs. "Not the time to joke." She mutters. "It's the only way I know how to cope with this shit." Lane gives me a worried look. And then shoves me down and ducks.
I watch as a shockwave bursts over our heads. "Holy shit he's pissed." I mutter under my breath. Lane nods. Caleb screams in agony and grief. A bolt of lightning strikes above us. A storm seems to brew around Caleb, striking any living thing near him. Rain seems to materialize out of no where. This isn't a storm, it's a full on hurricane. And Caleb is the eye. Rain pours, lightning strikes, and thunder crackles. Caleb yells in anger. And then, suddenly, it stops.
     I peak over the pile of rumble we're hiding behind. My jaw drops. Damien is sitting bolt straight up staring at his older brother. Caleb is staring back. "Damien...?" His voice is quiet and broken. He scrambles over to his brother. "I'm so fucking sorry. I was a giant dick head. I shouldn't have acted that way. There's no excuse and I...." a sob cuts him off. He bursts into tears. Damien awkwardly hugs his brother. "Thanks bro but... what the hell happened?" I stand up to my full height and cup my hands around my mouth. "You died, dude!" I shout. "I... WHAT?"

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