Little Secret (Part 2) - 2min

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Little! Seungmin
Caregiver! Minho (ft. Stray Kids)

A/N: A lot of you guys seemed to really like the idea of a part 2 so here you go! Hope you all like it!

It had been a few weeks since Minho had discovered that Seungmin was a little and since then things had been pretty awkward between the two. The older of the two had been researching a lot about how to be a good caregiver and was ready to give it a try, but he was unsure of how to bring it up to the younger. Seungmin had been wanting to slip recently and secretly wished to be able to experience being cared for, but was too shy to bring it up to Minho.
Currently all of the boys were at the studio practice for their upcoming album. Chan and Changbin were in charge of the recording and were having the rest of the boys go one at a time to record their parts for the song they were currently working on. Hyunjin was currently doing his part and Seungmin was up next. Minho snuck a glance at the younger boy and noticed how nervous he looked.
Knowing how awkward things had been between them recently, Minho hesitated before finally asking, "hey, is everything okay? You look a little nervous."
Seungmin glanced up and just shook his head, "it's nothing."
"Are you sure? I'm sure Chan would..."
"I'm fine, okay?" Seungmin suddenly interrupted as he stood up abruptly and walk out of the room.
Minho was in shock for a moment, but was suddenly filled with worry for the boy. It wasn't often Seungmin randomly blew up like that and it made Minho wonder if something else was going on other than just nerves.


Minho didn't see Seungmin again until he was in the room recording. He watched while the younger recorded his parts, but it became clear to him that something was off. Seungmin was always hard on himself when he records but never like this. Chan was doing his best to encourage the younger member, but Minho could tell it wasn't doing anything. Eventually after just messing up a few times Seungmin ripped off his recording earphones and sat down on the floor pulling at his hair.
It only took a few seconds after this for Minho to react and before he could even realize he was moving, he was already in the recording room.
"Shh shh, it's okay, you're okay" Minho softly comforted his fellow member as he squatted down next to him. "Come on baby, let go, you're going to hurt yourself," he said as he gently moved to remove Seungmin's hands from gripping his hair. It took a few moments, but eventually he let go and let Minho hold on to his hands and pull him into a hug.
"Are you feeling little, baby?" Minho asked the boy, thinking this could potentially be what was making him upset. What he didn't realize was that Chan and Changbin were still right outside and could see and hear everything happening in the recording room.
"Feeling little?"
At Chan's sudden voice both of the boys shot up and glanced at each other. Minho's face was one of shock while Seungmin's one of anger. Seungmin stood up and stormed out of the recording room with Minho trailing behind.
As the two got closer to where Chan and Changbin were, Changbin asked, "hey, is everything okay? What did you mean by feeling little?" not realizing that he was just making the situation worse between the two.
Seungmin suddenly turned around, "why don't you just tell them? I mean you can't keep your stupid mouth shut anyways. I trusted you with this and you just had to tell? Why? Why?" he yelled at the older member with tears streaming down his face. He didn't even give Minho time to respond before he was rushing out the door again, this time with Minho not following.
The three who were left stood in silence for a few moments.
"I'm sor..." Changbin began to say before Minho reached up a hand to stop him.
"It's not your fault. I really messed up. He trusted me. We made a promise to each other and I didn't keep it." Minho said with tears beginning to run down his face. He wasn't typically an emotional person, but the idea of hurting someone, especially in the way he knew he broke the trust of someone he cared about, was almost too much to bear. Suddenly his head was in his hands as he just began to cry, not knowing what else to do.
Chan walked up to Minho and put a hand on his back comforting him, "I don't know exactly what that all was about, and I won't ask you to explain, but Seungmin is a reasonable guy. He'll calm down eventually and then you should go talk to him. Make it up to him."
Minho just nodded. That was really his only option. He was willing to do anything to make it up to the younger boy.


As soon as Minho was back at dorm, he noticed a tense feeling the air. The rest of the boys were home now, even Chan and Changbin since Minho had made a small detour on his way home, and we're all in the kitchen, but there was no sight of Seungmin. Guessing where the younger boy was, Minho raced off to Seungmin's shared bedroom. As he walked in he didn't immediately see him and was about to walk away when he heard crying coming from inside of the closet. Sighing, Minho walked up and sat down against the wall next to the closet: a very similar position to how they were just a few weeks prior.
Minho hesitated for a few moments before finally saying, "I'm sorry, Seungmin. If I knew they could still hear us I would have never said anything, I really thought I was helping."
When there was no reply, tears began forming in his eyes again, there was no way Seungmin would forgive him. But, before he could get anymore into his thoughts he felt someone at his side pulling him into a hug.
They stayed like that for a while, not saying anything but both just silently comforting the other.
"I want to tell them." Seungmin eventually broke the silence.
Minho shot up to look the younger in the eyes, "what? Are you sure?"
Before he could even finish Seungmin was nodding his head. "I've been wanting to tell everyone for a while, but I've been to scared to. I was worried you would all hate me and leave me all alone, but you accepted me so the others might too, right?"
Minho was still in shock. Coming home he had thought for sure he'd be faced with anger and some more yelling, he definitely wasn't expecting this.
"You aren't mad?" He asked.
"I was at first," Seungmin honestly said, "but, you were just trying to help"
Minho smiled at the younger, thankful that he was so understanding but glad that everything was beginning to work out.
"I want to tell them now," Seungmin continued, "rip off the bandaid, you know? But, I want to be little when I tell them, I think I'll be less embarrassed that way and I think it'll help them understand better."
"Are you sure?" Seungmin nodded in response.
"I've been feeling liking slipping since this morning so it shouldn't take too long for me to regress."
At this Minho remembered the detour he had made on the way he and he lit as he moved to pull the thing he had bought out of the bag. Seungmin's face lit up as he took notice of the item. It was a new plushie, a cute St. Bernard dog plushie.
"For me?" Seungmin asked in a quiet voice. Minho nodded and gave him a big smile as he held it out for him.
"Just for you!" He replied. Seungmin softly grabbed on to it and immediately pulled it in for a big hug. "I take it you like it them?"
"I lub it!" Seungmin answered with a slurred voiced, indicating to Minho that he has already slipped. He must have been really close to slipping already for him to slip that quickly. Minho was glad though, that he was able to regress after the stressful day.
"Are you ready to go meet the others, baby?" Minho asked in an excited voice hoping to help the little not feel nervous. Thankfully it worked as the little just nodded back just as excitingly. Minho smiled and he grabbed Seungmin's pacifier and put it in his mouth and then moved to pick up the little and set him on his hip.
"Now, baby just remember that no matter what I'm with you, okay?" Seungmin just nodded again. Minho took that as conformation as he began to walk the two of them to the kitchen where the rest of the members currently were.
As they walked in Minho could feel all of their eyes on them and the shock that was on their faces. "Now, before any of you guys say anything just let us explain, okay?"
The others just nodded while still looking very much confused. At this Minho began to explain everything.


After Minho had finished explaining, all of the boys had taken turns asking their questions about being a little. They asked the typical questions such as: "how often do you regress?" "When did you begin regressing?" But, as soon as Hyunjin had asked, "so, what do you like to do when you're regressed?" And Seungmin timidly answered, "mo-mostly color," Felix shot up his hand and declared, "I call dibs on coloring with him first!" As he said this he raced out of the room to Seungmin's to find the coloring books he had in there. This caused the rest of them to laugh at the boy, including Seungmin who giggled with them. With out even realize for it, Felix had helped clear a lot of then tension I'm the room and everyone was feeling a lot more relaxed now.
This had led to where they were now. Jisung and Felix laying with little Seungmin on the floor of the living room coloring with a silly cartoon playing in the tv. Minho and Chan were sitting on the couch watching the younger ones have fun while the rest were in the kitchen working on dinner for the group.
Minho just smiled as he looked around, their group had always felt like a family but in this moment he realized how much more complete it felt. He was just thankful everything worked out in the end.

Word count: 1740

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