Headache- Chan x skz

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Little! Chan
Caregiver! Skz

Thank you for the request @parkjimin20016

All Chan could think of when he woke up was the throbbing pain he felt piercing through his head. It didn't happen often that he got these terrible headaches, but even from all of the times he had, he had never woken up feeling this bad before. He decided to wait a few minutes before trying to sit up knowing that it probably wouldn't be a good idea. He could already feel himself slowly slipping due to the pain, but he held it back knowing they had a busy schedule that day.
He was able to close his eyes for a few minutes, but the pain was going nowhere. All of a sudden the door to his shared bedroom slammed open and Changbin walked in.
"Channie hyung, come on, we have a interview in a few hours, everyone else is up"
Chan groaned, not wanting to even move an inch in his current state and just wanted to stay home and be little while his daddies took care of him, but he was the leader and he knew  it was his responsibility to be up and ready to lead his members. He couldn't be weak because of some silly headache. As soon as he stood up though, he knew it wasn't going to be good. His head spun and the nausea he felt immediately caused him to throw up all over himself and the floor.
As soon as the leader looked up and made eye contact with the younger, he felt himself and fully slip and burst into tears.
Even in his shocked state, Changbin quickly moved to stop the little as he moved to lay back in bed. He grabbed the older member and set him on his hip. The little immediate began whining, just wanting to lay down and rest.
"We can't lay down baby, we don't want your bed to get all icky" Changbin consoled the boy as he walked them both out of their room and towards the bathroom. He got no response as Chan just continued to cry. Walking out of the room the duo ran into Jisung who had come due to hearing the commotion. Jisung's eyes widened when he took notice of the leader's state and looked to Changbin in confusion.
"He must have woken up sick," Changbin sighed, "I just walked into the room and he threw up and then just started crying. I'm going to go give him a bath to clean him up. I don't think the interview is happening for Chan today." Jisung just nodded in response, not really knowing what to say. It wasn't that the younger had never seen Chan slip into little space before but it was a new sight seeing him so upset and vulnerable.
They then split ways as Jisung walked back to the kitchen where the rest of the boys were to get one of them to help him clean the mess he was sure was in the leader's room currently.
Once Changbin got to the bathroom he set Chan on the floor so he could get the bath started for him. He usually puts him on the counter for this part since Chan likes watching whoever is giving him a bath set it all up, but Changbin figured he was too little to know the difference and he didn't want to risk him falling off the counter. As soon as the water was going and was the correct temperature, the younger walked to the little and stripped him of his dirty clothes and set him into the bath. Changbin tried to cheer up the still very much upset little by showing him the different bath toys, but nothing was seeming to work (not even his favorite bath toy: his rubber ducky!). Eventually the younger just sighed and gave up and decided to quickly finish the bath so they could just go cuddle. It hurt Changbin seeing their leader so upset. Even when little, the older was always playful and smiling and rarely ever showed this vulnerable side of himself. As a leader he always tried to take care of the members, even in his little space and hated feeling like he was showing that he was weak. Changbin knew the poor little must be feeling really small if he was obviously this upset.
Right before getting Chan out of the bath Changbin called Minho to come finish up and get him dressed so that Changbin could wash up himself.
Minho walked into the bathroom and cooed when he saw the little in the bath with tears still running down his face. "Awww, poor baby." Minho said as he reached the little and moved to brush some of the hair out the older's face. At this Chan whined and moved to make grabby hands, wanting to be picked up by one of his favorite caregivers.
"Okay baby, hold on, we'll get you out of this bath and into some cozy jammies. How does that sound?" All Minho got in response were some sniffles, but he figured it was good enough of a response in this state. Once Chan was all dry and changed Minho walked the both of them into their shared living room. When they arrived they were greeted by the other members who were all anxious since hearing about their leader not feeling well. Hyunjin was the first to move once the couple sat down on the couch. Getting up he placed a gentle kiss on the littles forehead, "Sorry you're not feeling well baby."
At this the members could immediately tell the little was feeling a better as he giggled feeling the soft kiss from the younger. At this Minho lit up.
"Does baby like getting kisses?" Minho asked in a slightly higher pitched voice to get the little excited. He then leaned over and started giving the little kisses all over his face. This made Chan giggle even more and move to grab his caregivers face and give him a sloppy kiss back on his nose. At this the members all smiled looking at their now happy baby.
"Felix, can you go and make a bottle for him? He threw up so I want to make sure he stays hydrated." Minho suddenly asked the younger.
In just a few minutes Felix was back with the bottle and he handed it to Minho who then proceeded to feed the little as he was feeling too little to hold it himself. They all watched as Chan drank lazily from the bottle and his eyes start fighting to stay open. By the time the bottle was empty the little had fallen back asleep.
"I'm going to go put him back to bed and then I'm going to stay in there with him to make sure he's okay while he's napping." The rest of the members just nodded in response as Minho stood up take the little to his bed. Once he got there he laid them both down with Chan cuddling up to his side. He then grabbed the little's paci from the side table and gently placed it in the older's mouth which led to him to immediately begin sucking gently on the comfort item.
"Have a nice nap, baby, daddy hopes you wake up feeling all better," Minho whispered softly to the little and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. He knew that they might all get in a little trouble for missing the important interview they had lined up for today but in this moment, looking at his precious sleeping little, he really didn't care what they said. All he, and the rest of the members, wanted was for their leader to wake up feeling better.

Word count: 1301

A/N: Sorry it took so long, but i hope you enjoy!

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