Flower Crown - Seungjin

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Requested by: mewmar

Little- Hyunjin
Caregiver- Seungmin

"Hurry up, Minnie. I'm ready to go!"

This was all Seungmin kept hearing for the past fifteen minutes as he tried to get ready for the day. Usually it didn't take that long to get himself ready, but he had to deal with an excited little this morning which only make every step take even longer than usually.

Like right now, as Seungmin is trying to brush his teeth, he feels the little pulling at his arm to get his attention.

"Minnie, are you ready yet?" Hyunjin whined out after pulling on his arm didn't get him the reaction he wanted.

"Almost, baby," Seungmin answered without even looking at him not wanting to get distracted from the task at hand. "You need to be patient and let Minnie finished getting dressed."

Hyunjin pouted in response. He has been ready ages ago and just wanted to go to the park like he had been promised. The little crossed his arms and huffed as he turned around to walk back to the living room. Seungmin just looking at him and slightly shaking his head with a soft smile. Hyunjin could be dramatic at times, but it was something Seungmin loved about it. He secretly thought it was adorable when he got grumpy like this.

A few minutes later Seungmin was all done getting ready so he made his way out of his room to collect the grumpy little so that they could leave. He couldn't help but softly laugh though when he saw what was waiting for him when he got to the living room. Hyunjin was laying face down on the couch, probably pouting though Seungmin couldn't see his face.

     Seungmin walked up to the other and crouched down next to him. "Minnie's all ready to go now, baby," the slightly younger said while gently patting the other's bottom.

     The little shot up, almost knocking Seungmin over in his excitement. "Okay, okay, calm down, we're not going to get there any faster with you going all crazy," Seungmin said in response to the hyper little.


      It took them a little bit to get out the door, especially with Hyunjin bouncing and squirming while Seungmin was trying to get his shoes on, but eventually they arrived at their destination: the park.

      "Hey! Don't run off to far, stay close enough so I can see you!" Seungmin yelled as he watched Hyunjin immediately begin to run towards the park as soon as he is helped out of the car.

       "I know!" Hyunjin yelled back as he continued running. The younger just laughed as he watched the little begin chasing some of the butterflies that were hanging around, he knew the little was typically well behaved and wouldn't run off.

       They stayed like that for a little while, Hyunjin playing and Seungmin just watching with the caregiver joining in occasionally. After a bit Seungmin called Hyunjin back so that they duo could have the lunch the he had packed. Seungmin took out all of the precut pieces and put them on a plate for Hyunjin to eat, which he did so with much enthusiasm, the little very hungry after all his running around and playing.

      When the little was all done eating he scooted over to Seungmin and moved himself to fit into the caregivers lap. Seungmin asked if he was tired and wanted to go home, but the little just shook his head and replied "love Minnie." Seungmin just softly smiled and shook his head at this, knowing this was one of Hyunjins many signs that he was slipping to a younger age. Thankfully, he has anticipated this and decided to reach over and grab the pacifier from the bag that he had packed. Once he grabbed it, he washed it off and then slipped it into the little's mouth, who gladly excepted the comfort item.

      After a bit, Seungmin was going to love to being the two of them home when Hyunjin suddenly lifted his head, obviously he had spotted something, and pointed a finger at the patch of flowers that were growing near them.

      "Pweety Fower" Hyunjin muttered, voice a little distorted from the pacifier currently in his mouth.

      "Yes, very pretty flowers!" Seungmin answered as he ran his hand through the little's hair. "Would you like to go see them?"

       At this Hyunjin began nodding his hand with lots of enthusiasm, obviously thrilled at the prospect of getting to get closer to the flowers. Seungmin stood up and walked over to them and set Hyunjin down by them, who immediately marveled at them.

        Completely entranced by the sight, Seungmin decided to take out his phone to take a picture of Hyunjin surrounded by the beautiful flowers. At the sound of a click, Hyunjin looked up and began reaching for the camera.

        "Do you want to take pictures, too baby?" Seungmin asked, already knowing the answer though as he reached down and began helping the little take pictures. They ended up with way too many pictures, mostly the ones Hyunjin took being too blurry to actually use though Seungmin would never admit that to him. Seungmin made sure to get plenty though, not just of the flowers but also his beautiful baby playing in them as well.

       Then, he suddenly got a great idea. "How would you like Minnie to make you a flower crown, baby?" He asked the little who was still too busy with the flowers.

        "Cwown?" The little asked, too entranced to even look up.

        "Yep! A pretty crown. I can use the pretty flowers and put them in your hair!" Finally Hyujin looked up and nodded. His Minnie sounded excited, so he's sure it's going to be fun!

        For the next 20 minutes or so, Seungmin took the time to carefully pick some flowers and begin weaving them into the little's hair. Surprisingly, hyunjin managed to keep still for most of the time, the caregiver only having to tell him once to stop squirming.

        "Okay! All done!" Seungmin said as he gently spun around the little around to get a better look at his amazing work. "You just look so beautiful baby!" Seungmin said with a gasp. "Would you like to see?"

         "Yes, pwease!" Hyunjin answered while clapping bin excitement.

          Seungmin took a picture and showed intro the little. Hyunjin's mouth got wide as he took in the picture. It was so pretty! The caregiver had mixed a collection of pink, purple, and yellow flowers in his hair to form them into a crown right on top of hair. Hyunjin gave Seungmin the phone back and began clapping again.

         "So pretty! So pretty!" He kept chanting over and over again in excited which caused Seungmin to softly chuckle at the little's excitement.

        "It is pretty, baby! Almost as pretty as you!" He said as he gave the little a boop on his nose which caused the little to go cross-eyes form a second before beginning to giggle uncontrollable. He only stopped laughing when interrupted by a big yawn. Seungmin took this as a hint and picked up the little.

         "Okay, baby, I think it's time we go home so someone can take a nap."

        Hyunjin began whining at this, but didn't make a move to move his head out of his caregiver's shoulders where his eyes were also clearly beginning to droop. Seungmin just hushed him gently, "we'll come back another day and play again, but it's time we go home now."

       It didn't even the take the time for Seungmin to pick up their picnic things and put Hyunjin in car before the little was fast asleep, flower crown still in his hair but obviously exhausted from his very exciting day.

Word count: 1327

A/N: Sorry for the long wait everyone but I just finished my semester at college and will now have a lot more time to actually update! I will be trying to get to everyone's request so thank you so much for all of your patience and support!!


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