Mornings with a Little- Hyunin

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Little! Jeongin
Caregiver! Hyunjin

Hyunjin and Jeongin get the house to themselves and they get to spend time together while Jeongin is in little space.

     Hyunjin woke up pretty excited as today is a day that he had been looking forward to all week. Him and Jeongin both had the day off and they decided that it would spent as a little day for Jeongin. It's not like these two didn't get a long with the other members, but it was always nice to just get to spend sometime together alone and bond.

     The older got up and quickly made his way over to the younger's bedroom. Usually on days off they do not like  to wake each other up, but Jeongin had specifically mentioned he wanted to be woken up early so that he could enjoy the whole day regressed.

     As he walked into the room, Hyunjin dramatically grabbed his chest and had to hold back from cooing at how adorable the younger looked while he slept. He was laying, sprawled out with one of his plushies (one that Hyunjin he had gotten for him) just barely staying on the bed from the grip Jeongin had on one of its legs and a little drool coming from the younger's mouth. Hyunjin hated having to wake him up from how peaceful he looked, but he knew it had to be done. He gently shook the younger and softly coaxed him awake.

Jeongin slowly began to wake up, blinking his eyes a few times to adjust to the light. He was just about to complain about being woken up when he noticed who was in the room with him and he remembered about him and Hyunjin's day off.

Suddenly, the little's eyes were wide awake and he immediately jumped and practically threw himself into Hyunjin's arms, "Jinne!"

Hyunjin started laughing in response to the younger's enthusiasm, but nonetheless returned his hug with equal excitement.

      "We can play now?" Jeongin asked as he pulled away from the older.

      Hyunjin began shaking his head, "we need to get dressed and have some breakfast and then we can play. How does that sound?"

      The younger pouted in response but nodded anyways, knowing that disagreeing wouldn't get him anywhere. Hyunjin gently patted the little's head and gave him a kiss on his cheek, which cause the younger to giggle and playfully push him away.

      "Okay, okay." Hyunjin responded, laughing along with Jeongin, "do you need help getting dressed or do you want to do it by yourself?"

       "I can do it!" Jeongin said excitingly as he jumped up and ran to his closet. The older laughed again in response.

      "Okay, buddy. If you need help come get me, I'll be in the kitchen making some breakfast."

     "Okay, Jinnie!"

     Hyunjin got up from the bed and made his way to the kitchen to make some food for the both of them. He sat there just thinking for a few minutes about what to make. The younger was surprisingly picky when little. He decided to just make them some toast to have as that was simple enough and he knew it was something little Jeongin liked. As he was buttering the toast, after it had finished toasting, he suddenly realized that Jeongin still hadn't come out. Deciding he should go check on him he grabbed the dish towel to wipe his hands before making his way to the younger's room.

      Before he even got to the room he knew something was up. He could hear laughing and talking, and he knew the possibility couldn't be anything that funny about getting dressed. As he walked in, he immediately knew his suspections were correct. Jeongin was sitting half dressed on the floor already surrounded by his toys, just playing away without a care in the world.

     Hyunjin watched the little for a few moments before softly knocking on the frame of the door finally alerting the younger, who jumped and turned around from the sudden noise, of his presence.

     "This doesn't look like getting dressed to me," Hyunjin stated as he walked to the younger and picked him up. At this, though Jeongin began whining to be put down. He always fell into a slightly older headspace of around 5 or 6 and didn't like to be babied which caused him to squirm and complain about being picked up.

      "Hey! I was playing Jinnie!" The little started complaining as Hyunjin brought him over to closet to finally get him dressed for the day.

      "I know, that's the problem. Jinnie told you to get dressed before playing."

     This just caused the little to pout in response and cross him arms. Hyunjin sighed, knowing if he doesn't fix this situation pretty quickly it would only end up the the younger throwing a tantrum and that was the last thing he wanted on their free day together. He finally put the younger down but held on gently to his shoulder, just enough so that the little wouldn't try escaping.

     "We just need to get dressed and eat some breakfast, then we can play, I promise," Hyunjin stated to try and calm down the little. But in response, Jeongin just shook his head, pouting and looking at the ground, still feeling defiant.

      Hyunjin just sighed again and put his hands up in defeat, "fine, you can sit here and throw a tantrum, but you're still not playing until you get dressed and eat some breakfast and that's final." After his mini speech he waited a few moments to see if the little would give it up, but when there was no response he began to move over to the toys, ready to take them away until the little calmed down.

     Although, this is finally what got to the little. When he noticed Hyunjin about to pick up the toys he ran over to the older and gave him a hug, "I'm sorry, Jinnie. I'll be good now, please don't pick up my toys."

     Hyunjin pulled away from the hug and wiped the few stray tears that began to fall from Jeongin's face. "I forgive you, sweetheart. Now let's get you changed so that we can have our fun day together, okay?" At this, the little just nodded in response.

      After the little hiccup it didn't take long for Hyunin to get the younger dressed and sit him down for breakfast. Although, he was slightly worried the events from the morning would spoil his mood all day as the little had barely spoken a few words all throughout getting dressed and eating.

     As Hyujin was cleaning up from breakfast he suddenly felt a tap at his shoulder. He looked down and saw the little hugging one of his toys to his chest while offering up the other to Hyunjin.

     "Can we play now Jinnie?" Jeongin said so softly, the older almost couldn't hear him, probably still nervous from getting scolded that morning.

     Hyunjin gave a huge smile in response, "of course, sweetheart! Go get everything set up and I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

    At this Jeongin's whole face lit up and he began jumped up and down in excitement. Hyunjin could hear giggles at the younger boy ran back to his room.  Staring after him, the older couldn't stop his smile. It was times like this where he was just so thankful for the little and how much joy he could bring him. The members were always like a family, but every since Jeongin announced he was a little it all just felt so much more real.

A/N: hey everyone! This is the last story before I get to everyone's requests that you left for me. Thank you for those by the way, I wasn't expecting so many but I'm so thankful that so many people are reading and enjoying my story so thank you so much! That being said, it may take me a little while to get to everyone's request since I do have quite a lot, but I will get to them as soon as I can! Thank you again everyone!

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