[[ 21 ]]

14 2 4

Rewritten: 1/15/2021


"Agh!" I screamed feeling a sudden pain erupting through my head, immediately causing me to face palm myself. 

"Baie, are you alright?!" Star appeared by my left side while Pansy appeared by my right. "Is it your head?"

I glanced up to Haven, quickly, just to see her eyes almost amused at my pain. 

"Yeah." I growled, but just as it happened, it faded. "It's gone now..." I sighed, out of breath suddenly. "...that was weird."

"Knock Knock?" Millicent Bulstrode's head slide around the door to see who was in the room.

"Yes?" Haven growled, as if Millicent was interrupting something. 

"There's someone down at our entrance, asking for Baie." Millicent explained, darting her gaze from Haven to myself. "It's Potter."

Star grinned and patted my leg, as I slide off my bed and changed out of my PJs really quickly and then slide out of the door and gave Millicent a knowing pat on the shoulder for notifying me as we broke away from each other at the bottom of the girls staircase.

I peeked my head out of the portal and rolled my eyes as I fond Draco nose to nose with Harry.

"This again, really?" I growled, sliding into view as Blaise, Draco and Harry all three took in my figure. "Seriously?!" I yelled, causing Blaise to drop his gaze immediately.

"Hi Harry," I smiled, moving to his side and grabbing his bicep. My eyes went from Harry's hazel eyes to Draco's lustful, but begging, gray ones. "excuse us." I rose both eyebrows and pushed Harry in a random direction, causing us to move past Draco and Blaise.

I could feel Draco's eyes on me as I disappeared around a corner to Harry.

"What was that about?" Harry asked, pointing behind us as we stopped just as we turned the corner. "You two thing or something?"

"Nope." I answered pretty quickly. I crossed my arms looking around as I noticed it was later than I expected. "What's up Harry, it's late?"

"I was wondering about that date..." He shrugged, looking around, noticing the same thing. "...you said you'd like to go out with me, but we never set a date...how does a Halloween trip to Hogsmeade sound?"

I grinned, feeling my heart tug in another direction, but my brain took my heart hostage as I nodded. 

"Perfect, Halloween is my favorite holiday!" I smiled and turned to leave, but he caught my wrist. "What is it?"

"Will Draco be a problem?" He asked, leaning passed the corner to see Draco and Blaise still standing there. "He seems like he will be."

"If he is?" I found myself asking, tightening my arms across my chest.

"If he is, he is." Harry shrugged and adjusted his glasses. "I'm not worried about him, are you?"

I grinned, tugging on his collar with a smile that immediately faded to be replaced with a new one as a flash forced itself into my head;

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