[[ 10 ]]

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Rewritten: 11/6/2020


Madam Pomfrey looked between myself and Blasie.

She sighed as she wrapped a rag around an ice pack and passed it over to me.

"...you walked into a door, Mister Malfoy?" she rose an eyebrow.

"Yes, how many times do I have to say it?" I growled, snatching the ice pack from her.

She sighed, placing her hands on her hips and shook her head and moved away from the bench I was sitting on.

As she moved away, I made eye contact with Blaise.

"So," whispered Blaise, moving to place his back to Madam Pomfrey and slide his hands into his pockets. "what are we going to do about this, Marie the Deatheater?"

"Shut it, will you?" I smirked shooting to my feet in panic. "We're not supposed to know."

"So..." Blaise pondered for a moment. "...are we just going to pretend we didn't see what we seen?"

I clinched a little as the chills from the ice embraced my almost broken nose.

"Look," I sighed, taking in the pain. "yes we are! She's on the same side as us, Blaise - we both know what we have at stake, imagine what she has...?"

Blaise stood there, speechless.

"What do you think her mission is..?" He pushed, as I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, whatever it is, it has to be top secret for us not to know about her let alone her mission, our families are the top of the food chain on this side of things Malfoy..."

I paused.

He had a point.

"...what the fuck is so important that it was given to her...and we can't know about it?" He pushed, crossing his arms.

I just sat there and shook my head.

"Your mind is running wild and I'm still attempting to wrap my head around the dark mark on her arm..." I whispered, shifting my ice pack from one side of my nose to the other. "...and where this strength came from...?"

Blaise and I sat in silence as an overgrown Band-Aid was presented to me to replace my ice pack.

I was directed to return in a week and a half for a check up, but since my nose wasn't broken, it should heal fine.

We made our way back towards the common room, only to find Baie saying goodbye to Potter?

I came to a half as I took in the sight.

"Really...Potter?" Giggled Blaise, watching as he noticed my stiff posture. "Are you...into Marie?"

"No." I answered too quickly, causing Blaise just respond with a knowing nod. "What the fuck is he doing on our side of the castle?"

"Apparently dropping off a date." Suggested Blaise, as we watched as Potter pulled Baie into a hug and they went their separate ways.

"I'll be up in a moment," I smirked as we shoved our way through the entrance and I noticed my voice made Baie stop short across the common room. "we need to talk."

"Whatever about, oh bloody one." She smirked, turning to face me and bowing slightly.

I just glared.

"So what's up, Malfoy?" She asked, giggling a little as she sat down on the arm of one of the couch across from me.

"What are you playing at?" I barked, stepping forward.

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