Chapter Forty Four: New Shoes

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        I open the door slowly, in case people were still sleeping. To my surprise, the only one still asleep was Kathryn. Actually, that makes sense.

        "Venessa?" I say curiously, because she was examining a houseplant very closely.

        "Oh! Hey!" She said happily. She got up and walked up to me, hugging me.

        "Two things. One, I got the for the wedding scheduled. Two, you need to head to the church. Becky has a gift for you." I tell her, looking down at her. She looks up into my eyes, with a shocked expression.

        "But guests! And I need a dress!" She says worryingly.

        "It's covered." Just head on over to the church." I say, trying to comfort her.

        "And who's this Becky?" Venessa asks in a suspicious tone.

        "An old friend. Well, she's young, but I met her before you. She's a librarian!" I tell her. She stops hugging me, then heads out the front door.

        I set down my helmet by the fireplace, then start taking off my armor. When I saw the whip, I got upset, remembering that I was supposed to get it blessed.

        I change into my white and gold suit, admiring the silk feel.

        "This is too comfortable." I mumble, buttoning it together. I hear Fiona's bedroom door open. When Fiona walked out and saw me, she was surprised.

        "What's... Going on... Here?" Fiona asked me.

        "Well, I'm getting married. You wanna come to the ceremony?" I tell her, wondering whether I should wear my tan boots, or my stone boots.

        "Sure. I'll get Anya and Zed." Fiona says. She walks back inside her room, closing the door behind her. I decide on my stone boots, so I struggle to put them on, barely accomplishing that.

Venessa's POV

        "Are you sure that'll fit?" I ask Becky, who was holding an ornate black dress that had silver embroidery.

        "Please have faith in me. I can promise it will." She said to me, while she moved my long hair out of the way.

        "Now, would you kindly lift your arms?" She asks me. I raise them directly to my sides. She then puts the dress up to my body, seeming to measure something.

        "Okay, you'll need to remove your clothing, save for your undergarments." She says. I then start feeling uncomfortable.

        "Could you... Uh... Turn around while I do this? I'm not comfortable with people seeing me naked." I ask her. She nods, sets the dress on the stone table, and turns around. I undress, then I start putting on the dress. The back, however, remained open.

        "Could you please help?" I ask Becky, turning around for her to see my exposed back. I shortly after feel a hand on my shoulder, and my back slowly be covered.

        "Okay, now you need the shoes." Becky said. I turn around, seeing her holding two pairs of shoes, one silver and one black.

        "Please, take as much time you need to choose." She said, smiling.

        I quickly chose the black, as the silver were too shiny for my liking. She hands me the pair of high heels, and I then sit down to put them on. After I get on my new shoes, I stand up, but I was barely able to keep my balance.

        "I don't like these shoes..." I say, wanting to put on my regular shoes. Becky sighs.

        "I do know they're a challenge to get used to, but they are nice looking." Becky tells me.

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