Chapter Fifty Six: Future Journey

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     When I walked past him, I saw out of the corner of my eye that he twitched his head.

     "Keep an eye on him." I thought to myself. I also noticed he was shorter than me, but only by about three inches. I kept walking towards my house, expecting to see absolutely nothing. But, I saw a glimmer on top of a nearby mountain.

     "That would be an awesome journey... Probably beautiful." I mumbled, stopping dead in my tracks to look at the glimmer. That's when I felt someone bump into my back.

     "Why'd you stop?" The person asked me. I recognized the voice as Zed's. I turn around, and I stare into his eyes menacingly.

     "Don't... Follow me. You're starting to cling to me like a vine clings to a tree." I tell him. He shrugs, and walks off. I continue walking to my house, only to stop in front of the door.

     "Do I really want to do this?" I ask myself, only to question why I wouldn't want to see my wife. I open the door, and the smell of pie makes its presence known as quickly as it could.

     "Venessa! I didn't want you baking in your current condition!" I yell out through the house. I close the door behind me, and I start walking towards the kitchen.

     "Clayton!" Venessa exclaims happily, running out of the kitchen to see me.

     "Guess what!" She says, in an elated tone. I just shrug my shoulders, which tells her to tell me what's got her so excited.

     "I think we're having twins!" She tells me. Immediately, I fake a smile.

     "I don't know if that's good or bad!" I tell her, in a worried tone. She responds by hugging me.

     "Oh, and there's pie on the table, just let it cool." She says to me.

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