chapter 4.3

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The whole drive back to the school was noticeably more awkward, at least to you. You tensed at every word he said and felt your heart clench when he hummed along to the soft radio tune. Saying nothing or giving short, one word replies, you didn't trust your voice to say more. Instead, you opted to look out the window at the passing scenery for the fear of Mark noticing your flushed expression. You tug uncomfortably at your jacket collar, beginning to regret asking him to skate tonight. Ironically, and perhaps foolishly of you, you've received his confession yet you're unwilling to admit the good news of mutual feelings to yourself. What should you do or say? Surely it's not right to just say 'I like you! I figured it out haha let's date!" out of the blue.

Pulling into the sports center parking lot, you notice the locks on the front door.

"Oh crap, I forgot it's a weekday. The rink is closed after 11," you mutter, slightly relieved at the thought of heading home to sort out your feelings alone.

"Don't worry, we can sneak in through the side door," Mark answers nonchalantly, getting out to open the car door for you. You don't disregard the kind gesture and instead feel the familiar pressure in your chest again.

And sneak in you did.

Mark had clearly done this a few times judging based on the way he led you confidently to the obscured side door which was propped slightly open with a rock.

You went your separate ways in the eerily empty stadium to your respective locker rooms. Splashing your face with cool water, you attempt to rein in your fiery flush.

How should I bring it up? Or do I wait? He already said he likes me, but what if he didn't mean it?

After changing into your skates, you take a deep breath and head out to the ice.

He was already there waiting for you by the railing. Mark must have heard your footsteps approaching and he turned to give you a warm smile.

"You're right, y/n, these skates are kinda different". He tapped the toe pick into the padded floor.

"Yeah... right," you mumbled, struggling to meet his bright eyes.

He's so cute.

Pale moonlight streamed through the glass ceiling panels and illuminated your surroundings. Mark's hair made his face glow silver and his eyes sparkled with the reflection of the moon. His face fell at your weak response, reading it as disinterest.

You open the gate and skate out onto the ice in front of him. Mark tentatively skated out to follow you, wobbling slightly at the different sensation. You reach out to grab his arms and steady him, meeting his gaze briefly before blinking away. You loosen your grip on his sleeves, the contact making your feelings go wild.

For a few moments, the two of you silently glided across the ice. For the first time ever, it seems, you weren't sure what to say to him.

"Listen," Mark finally spoke, struggling to a stop. He looked down at his skates thoughtfully, "If it's about what I said earlier, if it's about me liking you and that made you uncomfortable, I- I take it back. I feel like I didn't give you a chance to say no if you wanted to-"

"No it's-," you interrupt, skating slightly ahead, "It's not that".

"Then why are you acting so strange?," Mark asked, struggling to keep up.

"I just," you circle to a stop at the middle of the rink. How do you even begin to explain how you feel? Never in your life have you felt like this about anybody. Never in your life have you felt so special and so cared for than when you were with Mark. You would have been lucky enough just being able to know him, but he even likes you. Out of all of the people he could have chosen, he chose you.

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