chapter 7.5 - finale

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Roses, plushies, and paper planes come raining down. You pull away beaming, heart bursting with joy. Hand-in-hand, you take a bow, waving to the crowd as you catch your breath.

"y/n, you were so amazing," Mark exemplifies as the two of you exit the ice. Everything passed by so fast. Months of hard work and roller coaster emotions accumulated to the last five minutes, over before you knew it.

"Me? Look at you, mister hockey. I'm so amazed at you," you commend.

As you enter the hall again, you are met with congratulations and praise from teammates and Mark's many admirers. Although the Lovelee's may have been banished already, the crowd of cooing girls never went away.

"You were so good, Mark"

"Yeah, totally, Mark. That was so hot"

Your day was far too great for you to be annoyed at their blunt flirtatious attempts (despite your obvious presence by his side). Before Mark could muster out a flustered 'thank you', you decide to rip off the band aid.

"He says thank you!"

With no intention of hearing their replies, you lead him further down to where your friends told you they'd be to meet you.

"y/n". Coach Tanya makes herself known.

"Coach!". You bow to her.

Much to your surprise, when you come up, the older woman pulls you into a firm hug. Your shock is apparent at the warm gesture and you hesitate before hugging her back. Never has she ever expressed anything more than terse compliments to you before. This is like drinking ice water on a hot day.

"That was absolutely excellent, y/n," Tanya pulls away to shake hands with your boyfriend, "and you, Mark is it? You were wonderful for a beginner".

"Thank you ma'am". He nods politely.

"But y/n," your coach turns back to you, "I am stunned at your artistry. The emotion, the technique, you're one of my best. How would you like to go to nationals in the spring?".

Your hand shoots up to cover your gaping mouth. Tears spring to your eyes and you nod vigorously to confirm your obvious answer to Tanya's question.

"No way!" Yuna's voice sounds from behind your coach's figure. The blonde emerges shortly after, followed quickly by the rest of the gang. The boys waste no time in tackling Mark with congratulations and sharp jabs at his 'dumbass' hairstyle.

"You're here!". You wrap your best friend in an excited hug. "Coach is sending me to nationals!".

Lisa and Hope join in squealing as the four of you hop up and down at the news.

Tanya chuckles at the scene, "Yes, indeed. And it looks like you're getting a lot better, Yuna. That's a relief".

"I don't care what the doctor says, I'm gonna make sure I'm on the ice again one day," Yuna attests.

Coach Tanya leaves you to celebrate as your parents and Uncle Joe come bearing flowers. Many pictures and one uncomfortable interrogation from your parents for Mark later, you get changed and go out to enjoy the rest of the winter festival with your friends.

The results of the competition are to be announced at the end of the night and you elect to not worry about the outcome. What you've earned from this journey is more than money could buy. Anything that happens after... happens. You'll always find a way to make it through and have a great time doing it too.

All bundled up, you hop around the food trucks lining the city streets. Every restaurant in Seoul seemingly sent all their best foods for the festival: spicy rice cakes and burgers to lava cakes and hot cocoa. Live music creates a perfect ambiance to take away all the tension from the day.

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