chapter 5: losing balance

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The following week of your life was like a high-school-drama fever dream and you half expected the world to fold in on itself to reveal it was all a netflix simulation, that you were not, in fact, the main character. But for once, you allowed yourself to believe it, to be happy.

Mark and you are inseparable. Yes, you'd been hanging out a lot before the fated night at the rink, but it doesn't come close to what the two of you are now as you throw yourself head over heels into your first love. You found that as comfortable as you were being his friend, your heart was a million times more content with his lips on yours and your hands carded through his hair.

When he brought you out on your first official date (a classic friday night drive-in movie. They were showing some sort of 80's romcom, but if you're honest, you hardly saw a thing), he drove the two of you to the lake at the end and asked you to be his girlfriend. You of course said yes and if your imagination could manifest, there would have been fireworks lighting up the sky as he spun you around the wooden dock.

But your life isn't a movie and being with Mark also means there's another side of things to consider. Namely, the attention. Ridiculous rumors about you and Mark popped up left and right beginning from when you were spotted together at the party: you hooked up with him and now you're pregnant, your parents set you guys up in an arranged marriage, Mark is dating you because he feels bad for you. That last one hurts the most.

As much as you fought to ignore it, even now as you sat in a booth at the university dining hall with his arm wrapped around your shoulders, you could feel the judgmental stares from all around. Even though they weren't for you to hear, you couldn't dismiss the hushed whispers of gossip you heard wherever you went. Perhaps it isn't about you at all - perhaps they're looking at something and you're in the way, or perhaps your name never came up in their conversations, but logic beats this generous possibility.

It's like, exactly how it is: you went from a nobody to the most popular guy's girlfriend. And everyone was dying to know how.

As for Mark, he was happier than a kid at Christmas. He has the girl of his dreams, you, and the Gators were killing the hockey season so far. There was nothing more his heart could ask for. So you reckon he's used to it, since he never brought up any of the rumors with you. It never seemed to affect him, so you figured you'd try to do the same.

The two of you agreed to come to the rink every night for as long as your busy schedules would allow and practice for the upcoming pair skate. It's only the beginning, but Mark shows surprising potential having never figure skated before. Sure, he has a long way to go, but he's determined and that's one of the things you like about him. He's really always there for you.

"y/n, you gonna eat that?" a hopeful voice taps you out of your thoughts. You turn towards the owner, Haechan, who is already reaching a sly hand towards your cold cafeteria fries. You open your mouth to protest but your boyfriend beats you to it.

"Get your own, man," Mark snaps, slapping the younger boy's hand away. Haechan rolls his eyes, mocking the elder's words.

"You're such a simp around y/n, you didn't even let her answer," Haechan whines, fake crying into Jeno's shoulder. Jeno leans visibly away.

You chuckle lightly, popping a fry into your mouth and wiggling your brows at the boy teasingly. You feel Mark shift as he grabs a napkin to dab the crumbs from your face. This action must have come off as a little too lovey-dovey because the table was immediately filled with protest before you knew it.

"Ew get a room, dudes!," Haechan complained.

"Every time! You're just like Ten and Yuna," Lisa gagged. Hope looks away awkwardly.

"Bruh," said Jeno.

Mark only smirks at the backlash, pressing a quick kiss to your lips much to your friends' discontent.

"You guys are just jealous that I have the prettiest girlfriend," Mark boasts, beaming at your flustered face. No matter how many times he kisses you, it never fails to send butterflies swirling around your chest. You bite down on your bottom lip to suppress a smile.

"Uh, anyways," Jeno interrupts with a scratch of his head, "y'all are coming to the game tonight, right?".

"Wouldn't miss it!," Lisa confirmed. Hope nodded cheerfully, her short hair bobbing cutely. You smile at your friends; you're really glad you have them around, especially since Yuna was gone most of the time now. It seems you've grown a lot closer recently, and your friend group and the Lee's have become a sort of a package deal.

"Ready to see a crushing victory by us?," Haechan cries, leaping up from his seat at the edge of the booth opposite to you and mcing into an imaginary microphone. "Number 66 goes for the puck, he steals, he shoots, he scores! Another one for the Seoul University Gators!". The brown-haired boy raised his hands in the air, whisper-screaming, imitating the roar of the crowd upon his victory. The cafeteria erupts in laughter at the sophomore's theatrics, namely the girls sitting at a table nearby. Satisfied, Haechan sits down smugly after receiving the vied after attention.

You laugh along, but are completely aware of the hand drawing invisible circles on your upper arm, sending shivers down your body. Turning your gaze to Mark, you aren't surprised to find him already staring.

"We saved special seats for you guys," Mark rests his cheek in his other palm, "so I know where to look when I score".

The table fills with familiar protest as your heart comes undone by his words again. How is it possible for someone to be this sweet? It's like whatever he says, it revolves around you. He makes you feel so special.

"I'll be there rooting for you," you press a quick kiss to his cheek, continuing on before the others could bash your pda, "but for now," you start to organize your trash, "I have to go to study!".

Mark pouts as he watches you pack up to leave, "Aw, y/n, can't you stay until we have our pregame stuff?".

You deny him with a sad shake of your head, slowly removing his arm from your shoulders although you miss the contact straight away. "Can't, Mark, I've got a lot of essays due soon and I have to work extra shifts next week. I've gotta use all the time I can get".

The longing look doesn't leave his eyes but Mark nods in understanding and gives you a goodbye peck. With that, the others wave you off as you excuse yourself from the cafeteria. 

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