Soft clusters of snowflakes drift all around, brushed up from their pine-tree-seats, swirling a playful circle around the couple sitting by the lake side before settling in their hair. The early morning cold doesn't seem to bother them as they sit still, mitten in mitten. It's picturesque, pristine.
You don't have to be able to see yourself to know this.
"We should head down to warm up soon," Mark whispers, cozying into your side.
You hum, leaning your head on his shoulder, feeling the stray snowflakes melt against your cheek. The two of you had come out to your favorite spot to calm your pre-competition nerves, agreeing to stay until the sun reached the tip of the frosted trees. Undoubtedly, from any angle you so choose to look from, that point has been far surpassed and the happy sun beams gold upon the winter landscape.
Bob Ross would have loved this.
"We should," you agree reluctantly. Giving him a peck on the cheek, Mark shudders at the cold feeling of your lips on his skin. He crinkles his reddened nose, but doesn't move to stop your second, your third.
Laughter carries across the frozen expanse as the two of you race back to his car.
One hand on the wheel and the other in yours, Mark does his best to strike up different conversations to distract you. You squeeze his hand in appreciation - if anything, he's the one who should be more nervous for tonight. being a first time performer and a hockey player.
You guess it does make sense since he's used to being in the spotlight all the time, especially from having biweekly games in front of similar crowds. You weren't exactly a stranger to being in the spotlight either, but the winter festival at Seoul University tends to be a huge commotion, gathering crowds from all around the city. Families, children, recent graduates to senior alumni all come to fill the campus to the brim and there's no doubt you'll have quite the audience to impress.
But it's thanks to Mark that you have fortunately developed a healthy sense of self-confidence, perhaps even enough to convince yourself that there's a fifty percent chance your performance will go without catastrophe. Maybe, just maybe, you'll finish the routine without breaking your face in front of 15,000 people.
You managed to sneak a look at the competition sign-ups earlier, and unsurprisingly, are the only participant who will be competing with a non-figure skating partner.
Nonetheless, you study your boyfriend's face unbeknownst to him. The eyes you grew to love so much, trained on the road in front of him. The slope of his nose and the way it connects to his pouty lips, everything, all the way down to the natural determination rooted in his soul makes you have faith in him despite the disadvantaged odds.
Night after night, practice session after practice session, you worked your butts off to perfect the pair skate choreography the best you could.
After the night that Hillary and her accomplice, Seojung, were caught and sent to jail, the two of you had several deep talks, ultimately vowing to keep no more secrets from each other. Whatever it is, good or bad, you agreed that the other would want to know.
Your relationship flourished as you were no longer held back by your anxieties. Public dates, hockey games, sleeping over at each others' dorms, you let yourself fall one hundred percent into happiness, unfazed by the rest of the world.Like a dream, the rest of your life slowly fell into place too.
Yuna is doing a lot better. She's abandoned the crutches, opting to power walk around in only the boot and cast. Ten follows her around like a puppy, carrying her bag and her crutches in case she ever wants them. You're so proud of her and you're really glad she has someone like Ten around to dote on her. Every girl should have a simp.
Lisa and Hope were not happy (to say the least) that they did not get to join the gang at 'the police station party'. Their words, not yours. Lisa threatened to go to the Seoul Police Department to throw hands with Hillary only to find out the two Lovelee's presidents have been moved elsewhere, to a more isolated confinement, for 'bad behavior'.
Not my problem.
The court date approached quickly and the jury ruled the two girls would spend their lives in prison without bail. Additionally, the school dean, more afraid of a lawsuit than anything like student lives, abolished the Lovelees fanclub and updated school policy to criminalize such stalking behavior. The eight of you celebrated the amazing news with lots of champagne (without salt this time) and whilst incredibly tipsy, Jeno told Lisa that he liked her.
You don't want to get into how loud the screaming was in the suite as Lisa grabbed his face and kissed him. The most efficient thing to do is to reveal what all of you received afterwards: four noise complaints.
Mark pulls into the athletic center lot before you know it. He senses your persisting nervousness and turns towards you, enveloping your other hand in his larger ones.
"You are," he states, shaking your joined hands up and down with every word, "the most beautiful, wonderful, talented woman I've ever met".
You flush in embarrassment, dropping your gaze, but Mark dips his face down to keep eye-contact. He looks so goofy and you can't help but laugh.
"I'm serious, babe," he says through a smile, "nobody else here deserves to win more than you do. You made our choreography all by yourself and even taught me, a guy who can't make eggs, how to figure skate. We'll do our very best, y/n, so whatever happens, know that I'm proud of you and I love you very much".
An 'aw' draws from your lips and you lean forward to press them sweetly against his.
People walk past your parked car, but you don't pay them any notice.
"Mark, I think we really have to go warm up". You motion to the other skaters entering the open stadium doors.

off the ice |
FanfictionHe's popular as popular gets- and you'd know this yourself if you saw the looks on girls' faces when he walks past. Playing centre forward for the Seoul University "Gators", the cute junior captain wearing #2 seems to have everything life has to off...