Chapter 12: DRACULA

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"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you" - Friedrich Nietzsche




Before the rescue mission:

Setsuna and Awase followed Lagatha, Itsuka, and Hitoshi to Lagathas flower shop. Once inside the shop, Lagatha flipped the open sign to closed, and she looked to Setsuna and Awase.

"So now, anything you like to know, you can ask me or them," Lagatha said

"When did Izuku become a vampire?" Setsuna asked

"A few months before he started up at UA," Lagatha said

Setsuna then turned to Itsuka, "And how long have you two been involved with this... guild?" She asked

"For about as long as we can remember" Hitoshi replied "I and Itsuka were taken in by Kabuto, our sensei, he taught us everything we know, Kabuto taught me how to handle a sword, and Itsuka learned magic from the guild itself"

Awase then looked to them, "How many monsters have you killed?" Awase asked

"Too many to count, and before you ask, no, we don't kill ever monster we encounter, the PDG is trying to mend bonds with the monster society after a certain event that took place before we were all born," Itsuka said

"If monsters exist, why not tell the world though?" Awase asked

"And cause the world to go into a panic? No thank you" Hitoshi said "We as humans are scared of things we don't know, thus if everyone in the world knew, it would bring us back to the Middle ages, and even people like Itsuka would be seen as evil"

Awase nodded

"How many people has Izuku killed?" Setsuna asked

"I don't know, But he hasn't killed anyone innocent if that's what you're asking," Lagatha said "Izuku drink the blood of petty criminals and villains"

Setsuna nodded, "That's all the questions I wanted to be answered, but What's the plan to save Izuku?"

Itsuka looked at her friend with worry, "Setsuna, are you really sure you want to help us?" She asked, "Adrian Aldea is the strongest Vampire alive, and the Reapers, they're a savage, beast-like version of regular vampires, their speed is off the charts, they won't hesitate to kill you, and it doesn't help that they'll be taking orders of Adrian himself," Itsuka said

"I want to help, I owe Izuku my life," Setsuna said

"What?" Itsuka and Lagatha asked

Even Awase and Hitoshi looked at her with confusion. Setsuna sighed as she looked at them but gave them the reason why

"Before UA, I was attacked by some psycho on a train station, he managed to pin the guy but he stabbed me in the side, I was so overwhelmed by the pain that I let go of him and he was about to kill me, but then he was stopped and killed, he was killed by having his neck torn out and that's when the person who killed me helped me, he called for help and he saved me... it's was only now that I realized it was Izuku" Setsuna told them

Lagatha looked at her and he could feel the determination coming off the girl. "Very well, if you truly want to help, I might as well tell you," She told Setsuna "And what about you Awase?"

Awase looked that her and then looked to Itsuka, Setsuna, and Hitoshi but he then looked back to Lagatha, "I'm in" He said

Lagatha smiled, 'Izuku really has made some amazing friends' Lagatha thought "The plan is that we attack Adrian's underground base with as much firepower as we can, I will also be bringing Pakura and her own apprentice, Renji, both are werewolves and they'll help us out, though it might take her a bit of convincing on her part, I'm sure she'll help, anyway, we attack when they least expect it and we'll clear out as many of those bastards along with the Reapers, but I want you two to stick with Itsuka and Hitoshi, they've dealt with monsters so stay with them, while we fight the forces, we need you four looking for Izuku, I'll take on Adrian myself" Lagatha said "That's pretty much it, but whatever you do, if you find yourself Face to face with Adrian, don't fight him, he's far too strong for the four of you"

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