Chapter 4: Old Friend

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A/N: Before we begin, I just want to say that I've decided on splitting this into four stories. This story will end around the same time as Season 1 of the show, but with my own take.

Book 2 will be focusing on More of the supernatural elements with More main characters coming into play

Book 3 will focus on both the LOV as well as More of the Supernatural with a bit more at stake for our Heroes

Book 4 might be the last book due to what I have planned, but again, we'll have to wait since what I have planned for Book 4 is still in the works while the plans I have for books 1-3 of "Among the Daisy's" have already been finished.

Anyway! Back to the story!




Setsuna ran as fast as she could to the front Gate's of UA, she had woken up pretty late but it was thankful that she had made it just in time

'Jeez, I really need to get my act together!' Setsuna sighed to herself

She made it through the front gate and kept running to where she and the other students were supposed to meet for the entrance exam, however, she had tripped over herself and was plummeting face-first into the ground. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for the fall and for the pain but it never came. She opened her eyes only to see that she wasn't going to fall, in fact, she was being held back by someone. She turned her head only to see a boy, he had curly green hair that looked like a bush and he also had red eyes and pale skin, the boy was wearing a black hoodie with a red scarf around his neck. He pulled Setsuna back up to her feet and looked at her, Setsuna now also had a better look at him, he was wearing a pair of black pants with a pair of Red shoes.

"You ok?" He asked

Setsuna looked at him and smiled, "yeah, thanks for the save" She replied

"Don't mention it, bad luck to fall on the first day right?" he said with a smile

"Seriously though, thanks for that, for a second I thought I was gonna eat pavement"

"Again don't mention it" He replied

"I'm Setsuna Tokage, and please just call me Setsuna, I don't like the formalities," Setsuna told him

"Izuku Midoriya, and you can just do the same if you want" Izuku replied "So are you here for the entrance exam as well?"

"Yep!" She replied "On my way to go take the entrance Exam"

Izuku nodded, "Mind if I walk with you?" He asked

"Sure, though we might have to split up, the entrance exam is split into two segments, A and B," Setsuna told him

"I got B, you?" He asked

Setsuna looked to her paper and saw that she did have B as well, "Hey! what do ya know I got B too!" Setsuna said

"Well then I hope to see you in action when it starts up," Izuku told her

They continued to walk to where the students were supposed to gather. Once there, they kept talking until Present Mic called for their attention. As the room got quiet, he had explained that they would be fighting robots and that each Robot was worth a certain amount of points, however, Izuku was reading the pamphlet which said there were 4 enemies, and If Izuku had to guess there was a reason why they didn't say anything, the question was why?

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