Chapter 3: The Nightwalker

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As Izuku looked to the night sky, his mind wondered about all the things in life. Everything that just came to mind, even if they were life-long questions that everyone wanted to be answered, he had his own answers for them. Izuku began to think as he jumped across the tops of buildings and looked at the humans down below then began to walk around the city. Protecting them from the small or big threats in the shadows and he would kill all those who threatened to take a life. Izuku landed on a small building, he looked down and he saw people with Too much, some had too little or some had not enough.

He saw people who were too fat, he saw people that too thin and sometimes he saw nobody, and with his vampiric hearing, He could hear people's laughter or he could hear their cries for help or just sadness. He always saw haters and at the same time he saw lovers, he sometimes would see gangs of Villians running through streets and killing their enemies.

He could hear high school boys talk about fucking virgins. He looked to the church only to see women rubbing rosaries when they would prefer to be rubbing cocks instead.

For Izuku, he knew that there was loneliness in this world. To him, the loneliness of the world was so great that he or anyone could see it in the slow movements in the hands of a clock. He could see that there were people so tired and so mutilated by love or no love at all that buying a can of tuna in a store was the greatest moment of their day. For Izuku, the way he saw things, people weren't good to each other. He knew that some were afraid and thought that hatred means strength and so they bullied or became jerks, a certain Blonde came to mind, He knew that everyone else didn't think about the terror of one person, how they would be aching in one place and they would be alone through their pain, untouched and unspoken to.

Again, people are not good for each other

he saw kids trying to hit a bird with a rock. He looked up to see the clouds clouding the sky making the day an ugly grey. he saw dogs piss on roses. He saw people yell harsh words that would make tears fall from others.

Izuku didn't know why he wanted to live in such a world, to begin with. People were not good to each other, but then again, it wasn't new.

Izuku had always known that hate would always be around, just like many other things. Still despite the corruption, the hypocrisy, and the hatred in the world, Izuku knew that there was still hope, kindness, and love within the world.

Most people said the glass was half full

Others said that the glass was half empty

But has anyone considered it could be both?

Izuku knew well that to some it didn't make sense as it couldn't be both, but he thought if it like this: imagine that the water that filled up half of the glass represented the love and all the good things in the world, while the empty part of the glass represented the bad things in the world, if you looked at it like that, if you could look at it from both sides, if the glass can be both halves empty and half full, then you can understand almost everyone.

"Dozing off again I see"

Izuku turned to his right to see Lagatha standing on the edge of the building.

Izuku smiled at her and chuckled, "Sorry, I was just thinking about some things" Izuku replied

Lagatha looked at him "You know UA's entrance exam is tomorrow, are you ready?" She asked

Izuku nodded, "of course" He replied

"Speaking of which, did you finally come up with your costume?" Lagatha asked

Izuku nodded, "it's simple and I think you might like it," Izuku told her with a smile

She nodded, "By the way, you might wanna watch out when you're going out at night"

Izuku looked to her with confusion, "what, why?" He asked

"I got word from an old friend of mine and apparently, we've got an Elder coming here" Lagatha

"an elder?" Izuku asked

Lagatha looked at him confused for a bit but remembered that she hadn't actually told him about some of the hierarchy of Vampires, "sorry, I forgot about the whole Hierarchy thing Vampires have" She told him "an elder is a Vampire that's been around during and after King's Vlad's Reign"

"King Vlad? as in Dracula?" Izuku asked

Lagatha nodded, "anyway, what most don't know is that King Vlad had 5 Generals he turned into Vampires, they are elders but they are also known as the Trinity of Blood, anyways after them, there are regular vampires, or Blooded as we are humans turned after the reign of king Vlad," Lagatha said "Anyways, one of these Elders went mad with power, and he's managed to kill the other 3 Elders and tried to make his own vampire army, however, the other surviving Elder stopped him and he's been hiding ever since, most who remember him assumed him to be dead"

"So he's not dead?" Izuku asked

Lagatha nodded, "Fuckers still kicking," Lagatha said "anyway, that was the Hierarchy, however, most don't follow this"

"most? how many of us are there in the world?" Izuku asked

"I'd say around 300 in total, we're spread all over the world," Lagatha said

Izuku looked at her and he could feel a bit of her anger when she talked about that last evil Elder "Lagatha, how do you know all this?" Izuku said "you sound as if you've lived through all of what you said"

"Because In a way, I have," Lagatha said "I was born in the year 1760 in France, My mother was a French-Italian woman named Mary Riddle while my father was the one Elder who stood up against the other Elder," Lagatha said

Izuku looked at her with wide eyes full of astonishment, He knew that Lagatha must have lived a long time to master her powers, but Izuku didn't think she had lived that long. To see and meet someone who had lived all the way back then, was just amazing. "wow" Izuku said "you've seen history through your own eyes, that must have been amazing"

"For a time it was," Lagatha said "But you love that long and those people who've you loved during that time die, while you live on, carrying only your memories, not to mention you experience horrors that a regular human could not withstand"

Izuku then began to feel her sadness. To feel this come from Lagath hurt because he had never seen her in such a way. In a way, she was up there with All-Might. She smiled, was kind, and was a hero in her own way and She was his personal Hero.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bring up-"

"It's fine Izuku" Lagatha replied "Now then, there is something I want to talk to you about the Elder"

"like what?" Izuku asked

"For one, he's very skilled in almost every way, not to mention, he has a rare power to create thralls, so he can control those closes to you, so if you see something odd going on with someone close, be cautious, they might be under his control, and whatever you do, don't fight him alone"

"Is he really that strong?"

"He's a warrior Izuku, the longest living warrior in history, and he's dangerous, he's fought in wars, he's survived them all, and Vampires have tried to kill him, and none have succeeded in killing him, He could wipe the floor with almost anyone," Lagatha said, "but with quirks, some humans do stand a chance, but still, he is very strong"

Izuku nodded, "alright, but how would I know if I ran into him?" Izuku asked

"Trust me... when you're around him, you can feel him, and you'll be frozen in fear" Lagatha replied "So if you run into him, you get away as fast as you can"

Izuku nodded again.

The two then jumped off the building and headed off into the night to hunt. As Izuku leaped away, he couldn't help but already feel scared due to what he had been told. An Immortal warrior that seemed undefeatable. who wouldn't be scared...

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