Chapter 2: Setsuna Tokage's Encounter

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during the night within the city, a girl with dark curly green hair was walking around the mall. This was Setsuna Tokage. She currently wore a sleeveless turtle neck sweater under a dark green jacket that had the design of scales on it she wore tight black sweat pants with a pair of black a d green shoes. Setsuna was exploring the mall in hopes of at least buying something. She also needed to get out of the house and away from what was going on she was also aware there were only 2 months left of Summer vacation before she would be attending UA.

"Man this summer really blows!" She cried as she walked "I pretty much did nothing this summer"

Setsuna sat on a bench and looked to the night sky and sighed. She felt like she had wasted her last chance to enjoy herself and she knew that it was kind of true. She had a good guess that she wouldn't be able to really relax in U.A due to Hero training. It was her dream but she was second-guessing her choice. was she really ready to be a Hero? Deal with the things that came with heroism? All these questions plagued her mind and it really bugged her because in her heart she was ready to be a hero but in her mind, she questioned if it was truly worth it. It wasn't like she was the only one with this dream, so many people wanted to be a hero the only thing that was different was their reasons.

She then felt her phone buzz and she grabbed it from her pocket and looked at it, once the screen lit up she saw that it was a text message from her mother that told her that she needed to be on her way home. Setsuna texted back that she would be on her way back before pocketing her phone once again and getting up from the bench before leaving the Malls ground with what she had gotten that day.

She made her way to the train station and noticed not a lot of people were waiting at the station which she was sorta happy about since it meant that the trains might be a little less crowded. Once she was at the station she waited for her train to come.

However, once she was alone, she was now in her own thoughts again. Her mind returned to the subject of rather she should be a Hero. Setsuna sighed out of frustration as those thoughts returned

'I really don't want to think about this anymore!' She yelled in her own head

"You Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!"

Setsuna turned her head quickly to her right and saw that a man was standing up against one of the pillars that held the station's roof. he wore light blue jeans with red spots and a white t-shirt with more red spots staining his shirt, but Setsuna knew that it wasn't paint that covered his shirt as she looked to see that in the man's left hand was a Birds Beak knife and his entire hand, as well as the blade of the knife, was covered in red liquid. It was covered in blood.

Setsuna quickly stood up as soon as she saw the knife. The man kept looking at her but he was muttering something under his breath

He then charged at her and tried to slice open her stomach but Setsuna quickly activated her quirk and separated herself from where the blade would hit, causing the man to miss. Setsuna quickly moved her legs as well as her upper body farther from the man before reattaching herself

"Bitches! Whores! that's what you are!" He cried as he turned back to her

'shit this guy's lost it! what the hell do I do!?' Setsuna cried

Before even coming up with a plan, the man attacked her, but she steeled her nerves and quickly moved out of the way to the side as the guy passed her as he charged and missed again, she quickly turned around hit the man in the back of the knee causing him to kneel in pain and Setsuna quickly grabbed his unarmed hand by the wrist and pulling it to his back and slamming him on the ground

"Gotcha!" Setsuna cried

The man squirmed underneath her, "Get off me Bitch!" the man cried

Setsuna then felt a sharp pain enter her left side before being pulled out. The pain surged through her body and then she could feel her warm blood leave the knife's entry wound and begin to slowly soak her shirt. She was then thrown off the man's back an onto hers and she looked up and saw the man towering over her

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