Chapter 5: Nothing Gold Can Stay

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A week has passed since that UA entrance exam and Izuku waited for the Letter UA would send telling him if he made it or not. At his house, both his Mother and Lagatha waited with him, thought Lagatha had also stopped by because Inko had invited her over for dinner. Inko had Lagatha had talked many times ever since Izuku had activated his "Quirk" and Lagatha offered to train the boy due to how similar their "Quirks" were. Inko had enjoyed Lagatha's company and Lagatha also enjoyed Inko's company, however, she could see where Izuku had gotten some of his habits, for one, Inko looked always nervous like Izuku did before the training. Izuku got up from the couch and went out the front door to check the mail as it should have arrived around this time. As the boy left the two women continued talking.

"Speaking of which, how goes the Shop Lagatha?" Inko asked

Oh right, the shop. What came as a surprise to Izuku was that Lagatha had owned a flower shop. She had her own house which was rather large, in her backyard was also a very large garden, one that houses many flowers.

"Oh, business is still booming," Lagatha said with a chuckle

Inko nodded, "that's good to hear"

"Yes" Lagatha replied "Izuku's even been helping me, I think I should ask if he'd be interested in working for me as a part-time job," She said

"I think that would be a wonderful Idea," Inko said with a smile

Suddenly the door busted open with such speed, as Izuku had appeared with a letter in his hands. The two women jumped from their seats as they saw him

"Izuku!? what is it!?" Inko cried out

"It's here! It's here!" Izuku cried as he showed them the letter

the letter was a standard envelope but with the wax stamp of UA on it. The two women were also freaking out a bit as Izuku looked at the letter with wide eyes. He quickly tore through the paper envelope and a small device fell from the letter onto the ground before lighting up as a projection was shown


"All-Might!?" Cried Izuku and Lagatha

[Hello young Midoriya, I AM HERE to tell you that You have passed both the Written and practical exam] All-Might said [You had the 4th highest score of your group! So I wish to welcome you to your Hero Academia!]

The three cheered and jumped for joy as Izuku had been accepted

[You will find your class and schedule in the envelope, I hope to see you at UA young man!] All-Might said just as the projection ended

Izuku then looked at a folded paper that held his schedule for his classes and what class he would be in. He looked to see that he would be joining Class 1-B of the Hero course

"So what class did you get?" his mother asked

"Class 1-B!" Izuku cried

"I knew you could do it, my sweet Mon Cher~" Lagatha teased him

Izuku's face turned red and he tried to push away from her, "Lagatha!" Izuku cried

Inko smiled as tears sprouted from her eyes with joy, "My baby's growing up so fast!" She cried

"M-Mom!?" Izuku cried

After that, Lagatha took Izuku out for dinner since his mother still had to work. They went to a restaurant near Lagatha's shop and ate, enjoying the night since it was a big moment for the two. After they ate, they jumped around the city's building tops and just laughed and had fun, even jumping higher than they had before, not caring who had seen them. Eventually, they landed at a large building and sat down on the edge.

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