Chapter Four: Avoidence and Beware

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Disclaimer: everything besides Sophie and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.


I avoided Malfoy in my classes the best I could. I was mad at him. I would sit far from him. If he sat near by, I sat with one of the Golden Trios. This went on for a couple of weeks. In a way, I missed him. I actually started to miss the attention that he gave me. But, I knew that he was very mean to the Golden Trios. The more I learned about the wizard world, the more I found out about the relationship between different blood status. I could say, there were similarities in my world with races.

I was at the Great Hall for dinner. I didn't feel very well. I felt really bad about what I said to Malfoy. I looked at Malfoy. He was talking to his friends. I guess he took my words literally. I wished that I didn't say the words to him.

I didn't have much of an appetite. I only had a nibble of my chicken and a couple spoons full of vegetables. I looked at Gryffindor's table. Harry wasn't in his seat. I wondered where he was. I pushed my plate away. I asked Professor McGonagall if I could be excused. She excused me and I excused myself from the table.

I walked through the halls. It was very quiet since everyone was in the Great Hall. I continued to walk through the halls to get to my room until I heard foot steps behind me. I turned around and saw Harry coming towards me. "Did you hear the voice?" he asked me. "What voice?" I asked. I saw Harry looking in all directions. He started walking and I followed him until we ran into Ron and Hermione. "Harry," Hermione said. "Didn't you hear it?," Harry asked them. "Hear what?," Ron asked. "The voice," Harry said. "Voice what voice? Hermione asked. {I don't think they could hear it.}

Harry and I heard the voice again. We ran off to follow the voice. We reached the end of the hall to find the floor wet. {Water?} I followed Harry. We came across spiders that were crawling in a straight line out of a hole in the window. We saw a reflection of the wall in a puddle of water. We looked up and I was shocked and scared at what I saw. "The chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir ...Beware," I could tell it was written in blood. Harry turned his head. "Oh no," I heard Harry said. He walked away from us toward something.

I walked to get a closer look. I was Mrs. Noris, Filch's cat. She was hanging. {Is she dead?} I was more scared now. {What is happening in Hogwarts?} Students were coming down the hall. I could see shock and fear in the student's eyes when they saw what was going on. I tried to calm myself down but, i was doing a bad job at it. My hands were shaking.

"Enemies of the heir...Beware," I heard Malfoy say. I turned to him. "You'll be next Mudbloods,: he said. {What is that suppose to mean?} "What's going on here," I heard. Filch made his way to us. I saw shock in his eyes. "You murdered my cat," he said to Harry. Harry denied his assumption. Filch grabbed and said that he was going to kill him. Then we heard Dumbledore come through with some of the other teachers. I was relieved. He came at the right time.

Dumbledore saw the writing on the wall. "Everyone. Will proceed to their dormitories Immediately," Dumbledore instructed. Everyone started to turn back and head to their dormitories.

We were about to leave until...

"Everyone except you four," Dumbledore said. We all faced Dumbledore and the teachers.

{What did I do to deserve this?}

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