Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: everything besides Sophie and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.


I woke up from someone talking. I opened my eyes and looked to my right. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were there. "You're awake," Hermione said. "What happen?" I asked. "You fainted. Madam Pomphrey said that you haven't been eating much," she said. "Oh. How long was I out?" I asked. "Two hours," Harry said. Madam Pomphrey came over and told me that I needed to eat. It was almost lunch time. She told me to eat. I nodded my head and we headed to the Great Hall.

Hermione made me sit with her. She gave me a plate of sandwiches and some chips. I took the plate from her and ate slowly. I felt a bit better after lunch. At dinner, I sat at the teacher's table. "How are you feeling my dear?" I heard Professor McGonagall asked. {I guess she was informed.} "I feel fine thank you," I said. I had chicken, roasted potatoes, carrots and peas, and water.

Professor McGonagall wasn't the only one looking to make sure I ate. Hermione was looking also. I turned my head to the Slytherin's table. Malfoy was looking at me. "You ok?" he mouthed. I nodded my head. He gave me a smile. Dessert came out. I enjoyed myself with a slice of lemon cake. After our meal, I went to my room and spent the time to do homework.

Few days later....

Things had gotten better between Malfoy and I. I found out that he took me to the hospital wing after I had fainted. He was very worried when he notice how pale I was. I sometime sat with him at breakfast and lunch. He made sure I ate. He would even put more food in my plate when I was full.

I heard from Hermione that they suspected that Malfoy was the heir to Slytherin. I didn't believe them. But, then again, they could be right. Most of Malfoy's family were sorted into Slytherin. They planned to trick Malfoy into telling who was the heir of Slytherin. They planned to make a Polyjuice potion that would change their appearance based on a hair sample of person. They planned to get Crabbe and Goyle's hair sample. I didn't know who Hermione would get thought. They wanted me to not get involved in this because I was close to Malfoy. I understood. She said that it would take a month to make. That would mean many muggleborns would be in danger. I wondered if I was in any danger if thats the case.

There was a quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor today. Before the match began, Malfoy spotted me. "Hey are you going to cheer for me?" he asked. "Maybe," I said. I felt torn. I wanted to hear for him, but I wanted to hear for Harry as well. "Here I wanted to give you something," he said. He took out purple velvet box an opened it. It was the charm bracelet. "You're giving this back to me?" I asked. "Of course. Your my best friend," he said. He took the bracelet and clamped it around my wrist. I looked at it closely. I notice a new charm. A cupcake. "What is this charm for?" I asked. "I found out that you were the one that changed the recipe for the cupcakes last year," he said. "Thanks," I said. We said our goodbye and I head to the field.

I decided to sit with the teachers. I was allowed. I was walking to get to the teacher's stand until I saw Mr. Malfoy about to walk up to a stand to watch the game. I didn't expect to see Mr. Malfoy there. I walked up to him. "Hello, Mr. Malfoy," I said. "Well hello Miss Taylor. I hope you are in good health?" he asked. "Yes I am thank you," I said. He looked at my wrist and gave me a nodded. Then he proceeded up the stairs. {He must have known about the bracelet.}

I sat next to Professor McGonagall. The game began. Over time, Slytherin had 90 point while Gryffindor had 30. I was able to see the snitch. Harry hasn't spotted the snitch yet. A beluga almost hit Harry in the head. He was able to dodge it. The same bludger then hit Oliver Wood. Harry got himself a rogue bludger following him. The bludger kept following him around breaking everything in it's path. It broke parts of the stands. I notice that Harry saw the snitch. I did as well. the bludger almost hit Harry and Malfoy. Harry went after the snitch. Malfoy didn't notice the snitch and started to follow Harry. Harry had to worry about the snitch and the bludger. I saw Malfoy hit his broom against the wooden stand and was knocked off to the ground hard. Harry broke his arm and got the snitch. Hermione stopped the bludger. I ran on the field to find Professor Lockhart had pushed Harry arm back. Harry's arm looked like it didn't have any bones.

Malfoy was allowed to leave the Hospital wing while Harry had to stay to regrow his bone back. I thought that was better than surgery.

I went to the library to figure out the chamber of secrets. I didn't find much of anything. I was about to walk out of the library and bumped into Malfoy. "Hi Malfoy. Are you ok?" I asked. "I'm ok," he said. "I was about to work on potions. I wonder if you could help me?" I asked. "Sure," he said. We worked on potions together. He always helped me out. He was good at the subject. I liked the attention he was giving me. We worked on other homework together for the rest of the day. I realized something.

I really liked him.

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