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6 days before the Incident

Levis POV

I woke up to hanji moving around in her sleep....I looked over to her and saw her flipping and turning around in her sleep....

It was another nightmare..... I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close calming her down.

I gently kissed her bare back calming her worked she soon stopped moving and held my arms close.

Well I was going to get breakfast ready but I guess I'll have to wait.... I nuzzled my face in the nape of neck and peacefully went back to sleep.

Later in the morning I woke up again....I felt the opposite side of the bed....hanji was already up.

I groaned and got up. I put on a new pair of boxers and some sweat pants.

I walked into the kitchen to see hanji attempting to make scrambled eggs.

I heard her cussing as the eggs kept getting stuck on the pan. Then she heard my presence and looked at me.

"Oh morning Levi" she said with a smile.

I nod as I walked over to her, "hanji are you trying to cook breakfast" I said coldly.

She sighed in defeat "yeah....but it seems I'm no good at it" she giggles a little bit.

I chuckle as I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around and kissed her neck...."I'll hand breakfast hanji" I said kissing her cheek.

She nodded and made us some tea...she was getting better at that because I taught her my way of making tea.

As I was making breakfast I hear little footsteps walking into the kitchen. It was Lilly she just woken up.

She looked at me rubbing her tired eyes "morning daddy" she said tiredly.

"Morning kid" I replied.

She walked over to hanji who was making the tea. "Morning mommy" she said.

"Oh morning Lilly did you sleep well" hanji said bending down to her height.

Lilly nodded "breakfast will be ready soon" I said finishing the eggs.

Lilly sat at the table excited for her breakfast. I gave her a plate of eggs and some toast. Then I served me and hanji.

Hanji poured us our tea and sat down with us at the table.

Lilly picked her cup up like I did and drank her tea....I grinned at the way she held her tea cup like me as I too drank my tea.

"Mommy, daddy do y'all have to go to a meeting today" she said looking down.

Hanji smiled "yes darling but uncle, Armin, Eren and aunt Mikasa will be babysitting you" she said.

Lillys eyes beamed with excitement " yay I love them" she said in glee.

I tched I didn't like having brats babysit my baby girl.... usually moblit would do it but moblit is required at the meeting.

Hanji giggled as she saw how bothered I was. "Lilly when your done with breakfast go get ready" hanji said playing with Lilly's hair.

She nodded and ate her food really fast and finished her tea. She went to the sink rinsed her plate and ran to her room.

Hanji looked at me and smiled "it's for one day Levi besides I trust them" she said placing her hand on mine.

I sighed and nodded "if you trust them I trust them" I said holding her hand.

"Well let's get ready" she said taking her plate to the sink. I followed her as we went to our room to change.

We both wore our scout uniforms and waited for the trio to arrive. Lilly was playing with her toys as I was going over some paperwork.

Soon the door knocked, hanji opened it and the trio where here.

"Hello hanji San" Armin said greeting himself.

"Hello guys and welcome" she said inviting them in.

When Lilly saw them her eyes lit up with excitement "uncle Armin, Eren, and aunt Mikasa!" She said running up to them.

They bent down and greeted her with a group hug.

"Well we will be off then" hanji said Walking with me.

I saw Lilly run up to hanji and pull her sleeve. "Mommy I'm gonna miss you" Lilly said crying.

She bent down to Lilly's level "oh Lilly me and your father will be back sooner than you think"  she said kissing Lilly's head.

Lilly nodded and waved us goodbye as me and hanji walked to the scouts building. I grabbed her hand and she intertwined her fingers with mine.

"Are you ok hanji?" I asked seeing her a little sad.

"Just a little sad saying goodbye to my baby girl, how do you do it Levi..." She said looking at me.

I grinned "after saying goodbye it does hurt but I always remember I'll see her again." I said.

Hanji nodded "well Ill keep that in mind" she said squeezing my hand.

We reached the building and Erwin was waiting for us.

"Hey Erwin long time no see" hanji said waving her hand.

Erwin grinned "welcome back Hanji and Levi" he said welcoming us in.

We sat down with some other commanders and scouts. After awhile Erwin close the door and sat down.

(So um I don't know how meetings work but here is my best try)

"Thank y'all for being here" Erwin said.

We nodded and listened to what he had to say.

"As you know of we have another expedition in a few days, some of our cadets have been noticing some Different things about the titans In these forests, so hanji we want you to come to get as much information as you can on these Titans" Erwin explained.

Hanji nodded.

"It will be a normal expedition but I want y'all to avoid fighting as much as possible" Erwin stated.

Everyone else nodded and began to leave me and hanji stayed behind.

"Eyebrows I have request" I said.

Erwin frowned when I called him eyebrows but I didn't care.

"And that is?" He asked.

"I would like to be with hanji in her group" I said.

Hanji grinned and held my hand, Erwin nodded.

"Very well then but who's gonna less your squad" Erwin asked.

"Petra ral will lead my squad" I said.

Erwin nodded again "ok then you are moved with Hanjis squad" he said dismissing us.

Me and hanji left "your ok with me moving to your squad right" I said.

She giggled "ofcoarse Levi, your my husband it would be best if you were with me" she said.

I nodded when we got home Lilly ran up to us we bent down and embraced her.

"I missed y'all so much" she said tearing up.

I picked her up "we missed you too kid" I said kissing her head.

Hanji said goodbye to the trio and we sat down on the couch. Before I knew it hanji cuddled with me on one side of me and Lilly cuddled with me on the other......

I held both my girls close to me....I love these damn people so much.....we soon all passed out on the couch in each other's arms.....

Journeys End {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now