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30 years later

Levis POV

I laid in bed exauasted....my body was getting too old.....the doctor said I wouldn't be living much longer.....

I laid in my death bed with Lilly by my side I was tired.... I was tired because I completed Hanjis promise....it took many years but we did it....we managed to eliminate all the Titans....and free everybody from the walls.

Lilly was living a happy life now....at first when she was old enough she started her training to join the scouts....she fought by my side and continued Hanjis work.... She then got married and had two kids....I was a grandfather and if hanji was still here she would be a grandmother....

I laid in my bed on silence then I heard Lilly start crying....

"Dad...why do you have to go...."

"Because Lilly I fullfiled my job as humanitys strongest.....the titans are no more and all my friends went into rest while I'm still here...."

She held my hand....and smiled

"That's true....and I'll ever wanted for you was to rest....but it hurts"

I squeezed he hand "I know how it feels Lilly.....I went through the same thing when your mother died...."

She gave me a weak smile "I did this all for her....I wanted everyone to remember hanji Zoe as humanitys smartest soldier....and I shall do the same for you.....I'll make sure no one forgets you dad....your the worlds savior but to me.....your my night in shining army until I got married" she giggled.

"Tch and he better give you the same treatment I did"

"I promise he will dad...."

I looked at her and smiled "I know you will because your my daughter"

I sighed I felt tired.....I wanted to join my friends.....

"Your ready aren't you....."

"Lilly I've been ready ever since we got our freedom...."

She smiled "well no one's stopping you dad.... doctor said you would be gone soon most likely in your sleep...."

"I love you Lilly.... and hanji has always loved you too"

"Love you too dad and say to mom for me....please...."

I nodded "I promise"

She smiled and let out her tears...."do you wanna say goodbye to the little ones?"

I shook my head "tell them their grandpa loves them very much....I don't think I could see their sad little faces"

She nods "I will..." She hugged my hand.

I sighed "bye kid....love you"

"Bye dad....see you later....love you too"

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.....I started drifting away....then I soon woke up.....

I woke up younger..... My surroundings were different.... It felt more free....

I stood up then a tall man approached me. It was Erwin he smiled when he saw me.


"Still calling me that even when we're dead?"


"Welcome Levi"

I looked at him surprised.

He signaled me to follow him. We approached many people.... The scouts that all devoted their hearts....

Journeys End {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now