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5 days before the Incident

Hanjis POV

I was playing with Lilly and her blocks while Levi was finishing paperwork. Levi looked stressed so the caring wife I am I told Lilly to go give Levi a hug. She nodded and walked up to levi and pulled on his sleeve.

"Daddy!, Daddy!" She said pulling on his sleeve.

"What's wrong darling" he said looking at her.

"I want hugs please" she said giving him the puppy eyes.

He couldn't resist puppy eyes so he tched and picked her up holding her close as he kept on writing. He had one arm cradling her and the other writing on the paperwork.

She soon nuzzled her head In his chest and fell asleep.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on top of his. "What paperwork is that for" I asked.

"Its for erwin and I need to turn it in tomorrow" he said trying to focus.

"Can't you do that later your girls want attention" I wined.

He groaned "hanji I cant right now I have to finish this paperwork" he said coldly.

"Please leviiii, I can tell your stressed so you need me and lillys attention" I said playing with his hair.

He sighed "alright fine" he said putting down his pencil.

I smiled "good job Lilly, we got his attention" I said.

She woke up "yay daddy gets to spend time with us" she said hugging Levi.

"You planned this?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded and gave him peck on the lips before walking to the couch.

He followed holding Lilly in his arms "well congrats you've managed to get my attention" Levi said patting Lillys head.

I grinned as I clung onto Levi as well "I love you Levi" I said cuddling with him.

"I love you too hanji but you can be so needy sometimes" he said wrapping his free arm around my waist pulling me close.

"Me too!" Lilly said.

Levi grinned "yes you too Lilly" he said kissing the top of her head.

We cuddled with Levi causing us to fall asleep in his arms Never wanting to let go.

I woke up again to Levi shaking me to wake up "oi lunch is ready so get your lazy ass up and come eat" he said Walking back to the kitchen.

I walked in there and he made us some sandwiches. All three of us are our sandwiches which tasted amazing.

"Thank you levi" I said.

He nodded drinking his tea. "You like it Lilly?" He asked her as she was eating her sandwich.

She nodded "yeah it's delicious" she said eating it.

He grinned "I'm glad y'all like it" he said.

"Mommy can we go and walk around the city pleaseeee" Lilly asked begging me.

"Its alright by me just ask your father" I said.

Lilly turned to Levi "please daddy" she said giving him the puppy eyes.

Levi sighed "ok we can go walk around town" he said.

Lilly cheered as she went to her room.

"Did you finish the paperwork?" I asked.

He nodded "I got up after you and Lilly fell asleep and finished it" he said finishing his tea.

"You tricked us waited till we fell asleep then went back to work" I said grinning.

He shrugged "I don't need a stress reliever just seeing you and Lilly play together is all I need" he said grinning.

I smiled as I got up and kissed his cheek heading to the living room.

He cleaned up and sat next to me putting his arm around me pulling me close.

"Levi you ok?" I asked cuddling with him.

He nodded "I just want to hold you that's all" he said.

I smiled "what would you do without me" I sighed.

"Become stressed more often" he said chuckling.

I giggled as I hugged his chest, we stayed like this for awhile until Lilly came running in wanting to leave.

Me and Levi took her into town going to Different places we eventually got Lilly a stuff animal. She was happy which made us happy.

While we were in town we ran into the trio doing casual shopping. Lilly broke from our grip and ran twords them.

She ran to Eren who wasn't holding anything and jumped in his arms he laughed holding her.

We approached them I apologized but they said it was ok.

"Yall doing casual shopping for the scouts" I asked.

They nodded "Erwin sent us to get materials for everyone Conny is with Sasha making sure she doesn't eat any of the rations and Jean is getting other materials" Armin explained.

I nodded "we'll let y'all be nice running into y'all" I said.

Lilly gave me a sad look "awww but I want to play with them" she said tugging on Eren's sleeve.

They gave her a sad look "aww were sorry Lilly how about next time ok when where not working" Eren said smiling.

Lilly nodded as she came walking back with us. I held her hand as we walked to an open area and sat under a tree.

"Mommy can I go play In the grass" Lilly asked.

I nodded as she took off playing in the long grass.

I put my head on levis shoulder and watched Lilly play, she looked so happy I want her to stay this happy....

One day I'll save her from this place stuck inside the walls.....I wanted her to be free to go anywhere she wants....

I hugged Levis arm, he turned and looked at me "you alright hanji" he asked holding one of my hands.

I nodded "Levi I need you to keep a promise" I said sternly.

He nodded "and what's that" he asked.

"If I die on the expedition or any time....I want you to keep fighting for me and Lilly.... promise me you'll keep fighting for her until you can't anymore....I don't want you to give up.... because I want to see out baby girl from this world....ok so do you promise you'll do that" I said looking at him.

He looked at me wide-eyed "stop talking shit four eyes" he sighed.

"Levi...." I said holding his hand tightly.

"I promise....but I won't need to because you won't die on my watch" he Said.

I giggled "ok then" I said kissing his cheek.

(A/N) hehe I hope this wasn't that sad.

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