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2 days before the Incident

Hanjis POV

It was the day of the expedition Lilly was bawling her eyes out.....I grabbed the present and gave it to her. She opened it up and it was a teddy bear toy with a necklace that I bought I took off the necklace and put it on her neck.

It was a heart shape with a ocean blue gem crested in the middle. I smiled as I have it to her.

"If you ever miss me or daddy during the expedition just hug the teddy bear real tight and we will return soon" i said kissing the top of her head.

She nodded "and the necklace means I will always be with you Lilly no matter what happens" I said holding her hands.

She began to cry again....."please come back soon mommy....." She ran up and embraced me.

I held her tightly "ok Lilly I'll come back" I said holding her.

When it was time to leave me and Levi kissed her goodbye and got with the other troops. Levi stayed next to me never leaving my sight. I got on our horses and waited for Erwins signal. I heard Lilly yelling at us in the crowd.

I saw her and gave her a big smile I mouthed "I love you" to her. She smiled and waved. I saw the trio with her and they were waving us goodbye.

I turned to Levi who had a stern face on. "Holding back you tears?" I asked giggling.

"Huh? No....shut up"

I laughed..... "I'm gonna miss her too Levi but don't worry we'll see her again when we come back" I said nudging his arm.

He looked at me and grinned "yeah I guess so"

We heard Erwin start the countdown.




"Advance soldiers!"

We started to lead the way outside the walls. I always remembered this feeling.....the feeling of being free from those walls.....the feeling of excitement.....I was already loosing my thoughts....

"Oi four eyes get you head out of the clouds and stay alert" Levi said getting my attention.

I returned back to reality to see my angry midget husband glaring at me.

I smiled "sorry Levi just admiring beyond the walls"

I returned to the mission and we kept riding our horses to our positions. It was a good start no Titans have been seen yet sadly but everyone was still alive....

After traveling for ages me made a stop to rest the horses I glanced over the plains looking for a Titan I was dying to see one. I heard footsteps twords me and saw Levi standing next to me.

"Hey Levi" I said waving at him.

He gave me a cold look then looked out the plains "what are you doing now hanji?" He asked.

"Nothing really just seeing if I can spot any Titans and thinking about Lilly"

He nodded "you miss her already?" He chuckled.

"How could I not!, I miss my little girl all the time when I leave her....." I said sitting down.

He sat down next to me "don't worry hanji we'll see her soon enough" he said holding my hand giving it small squeeze.

I nodded "yeah I guess so huh...." I held onto his hand leaning on his shoulder.

Levis POV

We finished our break and was back to the expedition. I never admitted it to hanji but I miss Lilly dearly....when we return Im gonna just spend a day holding Lilly and occasionally holding hanji too.

After what seemed like ages I saw a flare go off signaling someone has found a Titan. I saw Hanjis eyes light up with joy. I sighed knowing she was gonna want to go see it.

Then another flare went off and It was in front of us. Immediately hanji picked up speed and went straight twords the Titan.

"Oi Hanji!" I tried to call to her but she ignored me I tched went with her.

I caught up with her and she was smiling as we approached the Titan, in my opinion it looked hideous but to hanji it was the most beautiful thing in the world. She stayed distance examining it and writing down in her journal.

Then the Titan started approaching us I activated my ODM gear and and attacked it. I took it down in a clean motion while hanji was pouting because the Titan died.

I swung over to her and gave a glare "I can't risk you doing anything Stupid hanji"

"Yeah, yeah I know let's just re group" she said as she headed twords Erwin and everyone else.

I sighed knowing damn well she was upset with me but at the same time I didn't give two shits if she was, after all it's my job to keep her safe.


It was already nightfall and hanji has been just staring at the fields, I finally decided to go confront her.

I sat next to her she looked at me then returned looking at the field. "I'm sorry ok" I apologized.

"What for?"

"Don't be naive hanji Im sorry for killing the Titan I just can't risk loosing you...." I felt her peck my cheek.

"Levi you cant loose me because I'll never leave you silly" she giggled.

"But if you die you are leaving me...."



"Levi I can never leave you because if I do die I'll always be in your heart....and I'll always make sure your ok..... but that's if I die"

"I guess your right...." I grinned....hanji was the only one who could make me feel comfortable and slightly Happy.

She clung onto my arm "I don't think I could ever leave someone like you....your special to me...." She said holding my arm tightly.


"Yeah!, Your so different its Interesting.....your cold hearted, you never smile, you have a weird cleaning obsession, your humanitys strongest, and your a midget" she said gleaming with excitement.

I just gave her a cold look and she just smiled. "And your the only person who won my heart......"

My heart skipped a beat.....I sighed and pulled her close to me. "Yeah and your the only person I can stand too four eyes".

She smiled and kissed me passionately "I love you shorty more than anything in the world.....well besides Lilly"

I grinned "love you too four eyes"

We stayed together gazing at the fields then eventually fell asleep in eachothers arms.....

I couldn't wait to go home with her and see Lilly again.....

(A/N) sorry I haven't been posting lol kinda failing school BUT I brought up me grades and also.....I would prepare tissues for next chapter..... anywayyy byeeee

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