Truth or dare

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Zach just got back and Y/n is with him, he gives Corbyn the sticks and follows Y/n into the girls tent.

Kay: okay that's weird
Jack: yeah it is
Amy: I'm gonna go see if everything's okay

Me and Zach walk into mine and the girls tent and we sit down. We start talking but then Amy comes in.

Y/n: hey Ams
Amy: hey, is everything okay?
Y/n: yeah, we're just talking that's all
Amy: oh okay, Jonah and Tate won't be to long with the food
Y/n: okay *she leaves*
Zach: so...
Y/n: sooooo... *we look into each other's eyes and Zach leans in*
??: FOOD!!!
Zach: ummm...we should go
Y/n: yeah, you go I'll be out in a second

Zach walks back out and Y/n is still in the tent, Y/n finally comes out and looks at Zach and then sits next to Tate and Christina.

Daniel: tonight we can sing songs, I brought my guitar
Amy: yes
Christina: sure
Corbyn: I'm down
Everyone else: yeah

After we all ate it was time do the fire, Zach and Y/n sat next to each other whilst Christina was talking to Tate and Amy and the boys were sorting out the fire and Kay was still next to me.

Amy: guys we should play truth or dare
Everyone except Zach&Y/n: I'm in
Daniel: this is gonna get messy

We all sat in a circle and great I'm next to Zach and Jack, the person who was about to kiss me and the person who's avoided me to be with Kay and we all have been drinking a little.

Daniel: Kay truth or dare?
Kay: dare
Daniel: dare you to kiss Jack for 1 minute
Jack: I can't do that
Kay: it's not that bad, come on *she climbs on his lap and starts making out with him and I can tell Jack's liking it.*
Daniel: and stop *they stop and Kay bites Jack's lip*
Jonah: okay, y/n truth or dare?
Y/n: dare
Jonah: make out with Zach *I look at him and sit on his lap and we start making out*
Jonah: stop *we pull away*
Y/n: Tate, truth or dare?
Tate: dare
Y/n: I dare you to make out with any girl here
Tate: easy *she comes over to me and kisses me, for some reason I kiss back and then she goes down my neck*
Jonah: omg
Corbyn: this is amazing
Christina: Corbyn! *Tate stops and smirks at me then sits back next to Jonah*

*Daniel: and stop *they stop and Kay bites Jack's lip*Jonah: okay, y/n truth or dare?Y/n: dareJonah: make out with Zach *I look at him and sit on his lap and we start making out*Jonah: stop *we pull away*Y/n: Tate, truth or dare?Tate: dareY/n: I d...

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@y/n.lewis: the best people ever💙❤️
Liked by: @whydontwemusic, @imzachherron, @tatedoll and 94,035 others
@imzachherron: 🥺
@tatedoll: always💜
@beautychickee: 🥺💚💚

lewis: the best people ever💙❤️Liked by: @whydontwemusic, @imzachherron, @tatedoll and 94,035 others @imzachherron: 🥺@tatedoll: always💜@beautychickee: 🥺💚💚

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@amy.williams: I love you all💜
Liked by: @seaveydaniel, @beautychickee, @y/n.lewis and 93,929 others
@y/n.lewis: couldn't of done this without you😘
@seaveydaniel: 💙💙
@kaycookk: we love you Ams💜

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