Moving day

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Today is the day I'm moving in with the girls and boys. Me,Jack,Tate and Jonah are just in my room moving the boxes whilst everyone else is putting them in the cars.

Y/n: that's it, done
Jonah: I'm gonna go get a drink
Jack: yeah me too *they leave*
Tate: okay that's weird
Y/n: I know right
Tate: wow, I still remember all the memories we had in this room. The time we pranked called Starbucks, the sleepovers
Y/n: yeah well, here's to making better memories *Jack and Jonah come back*
Jack: well the boxes are in the cars, you girls ready to go?
Tate: yeah, let's go

Skip car journey

Jack show me to his well now our room and it's amazing, I can't believe he changed it for me.

Jack show me to his well now our room and it's amazing, I can't believe he changed it for me

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Jack Me and Y/n are just chilling on the bed watching Netflix on my tv when we hear moaning next door

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Me and Y/n are just chilling on the bed watching Netflix on my tv when we hear moaning next door. It's Corbyn and Christina.

Y/n: wow I guess Corbyn missed Christina
Jack: yeah, it's making me horny *She helps me*
Y/n: holy shit *falling on the bed*
Jack: now that was something else
Y/n: I'm so hungry now though
Jack: go get food?
Y/n: yes *we go downstairs and the boys look at us because the girls have gone to get food*
Zach: fuck y/n *mocking me*
Daniel: oh jack *mocking y/n*
Jack: seriously guys?
Zach: sorry
Daniel: yeah sorry guys

Y/n: wow I guess Corbyn missed Christina Jack: yeah, it's making me horny *She helps me*Y/n: holy shit *falling on the bed*Jack: now that was something else Y/n: I'm so hungry now though Jack: go get food?Y/n: yes *we go downstairs and the boys lo...

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@y/n.lewis: first day and it's already been amazing. Yes I moved in with the girls and the boys at the Why don't we house @whydontwemusic
Liked by: @jackaverymusic,@tatedoll, @kaycookk and 84,931 others
@imzachherron: I bet it was amazing🤫
@tatedoll: what's that supposed to mean?🤨
@jackaverymusic: glad your enjoying it❤️ @imzachherron shut the hell up😡

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