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Me and Jack go to my room with boxes and everyone else just goes to the kitchen, bathroom, spare room and living room.

Jack: her ass looks so good
Y/n: Jack
Jack: I said that out loud as well didn't I?
Y/n: yeah but I mean, my ass does look good
??: hell yeah it does
Y/n: oh hey Tate
Tate: sorry, can I talk to Y/n alone?
Jack: sure, I'll help Jonah *he walks out*
Y/n: so what's up?
Tate: I've only told Jonah but I wanted to tell you as well but... I'm bisexual
Y/n: omg Tate, we will all still love you. So is there a lucky girl?
Tate: well, it's you Y/n
Y/n: me?
Tate: yeah, I've liked you for a year now. It's always been you but I also like Jonah a lot
Y/n: does Jonah know you like me?
Tate: yeah, I was hoping you would help me tell everyone else
Y/n: of course I will

Tate looks at me and leans in, she hands on my waist and her lips touch mine. We start kissing and our lips move in sync, Tate lays me down on the bed and locks my door. She removes my top and kisses down my neck and stomach.

Y/n: shit, maybe we could continue this later?
Tate: okay *I put my top on and we walk to everyone else*

Y/n and Tate walk out and they sit us around the sofa. Tate stands in front of us nervous but I think I know what she's going to say.

Tate: so, I talked to both Jonah and Y/n today and I've decided to come out and say I'm...bisexual and I like Y/n but I also like Jonah
Christina: we still love you for who you are
Jack: obviously we support you but that means I have to share my girl
Y/n: Jack, you will be okay. I will still be here
Jack: good *everyone laughs*
Jonah: yessss let's go. Tate likes me back
Kay: Jonah, you have to compete with Y/n
Jonah: oh well
Jack: oh trust me, when Y/n gets a challenge she takes it serious
Y/n: how do you know?
Jack: Amy told me
Amy: that was supposed to be our secret
Jack: shhh

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