Cliff diving

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Me and Jack got changed and then we go to the cliff where everyone was. They were sat there talking so me and Jack joined them.

Amy: what took you so long?
Y/n: nothing, just getting changed
Zach: Y/n, can we talk in private?
Y/n: yeah okay, we'll catch up with you guys
Jack: okay *they all walk off*
Y/n: you okay?
Zach: yesterday, are we just going to pretend like it didn't happen. We nearly kissed
Y/n: Zach, Kay is jealous of me and Jack
Zach: I need to show you something *he moves closer to me and we look into each other's eyes and lean in. Our lips touch then move in sync, Zach goes to take off my top but I pull away*
Y/n: wow, we should catch up with the others
Zach: or we could head back and I can show you what your missing
Y/n: maybe another time, we should go
Zach: okay

Y/n and Zach join us and they look worried, Zach ignores Kay and Y/n just walks over to the girls.

Daniel: what's that about?
Jack: I have no idea
Daniel: go talk to her
Jack: okay *I walk over to Y/n* can we talk?
Y/n: later when we are back
Jack: uhhh...okay
Daniel: let's go *jumps from the cliff with Amy and now we're all in*
Tate: that was amazing

I feel really guilty for kissing Zach, what I am going to tell Jack? Who do I talk to? My thoughts get cut off by Christina saying my name.

Y/n: yeah what?
Christina: we're going to the restaurant now, come on
Y/n: okay
Jack: are you okay? You've been quiet since before
Y/n: yeah I'm fine *We all get back and change into our clothes from this morning*

Y/n: yeah what?Christina: we're going to the restaurant now, come on Y/n: okayJack: are you okay? You've been quiet since beforeY/n: yeah I'm fine *We all get back and change into our clothes from this morning*

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@amy.williams: 2 vs 2 @seaveydaniel @y/n.lewis @jonahmarais
Liked by: @y/n.lewis, @jackaverymusic, @seaveydaniel and 94,935
@y/n.lewis: obviously me and Jonah won💜
@user1: wow, Y/n went from Jack to Zach and now Jonah. She's going to make the band fall apart
@seaveydaniel: ❤️❤️ Y/n has done nothing wrong, her and Zach are just friends that's all and you don't need to know our personal lives^
@user2: Daniel going off^ tbh I don't even like Y/n, she should just die

 She's going to make the band fall apart @seaveydaniel: ❤️❤️ Y/n has done nothing wrong, her and Zach are just friends that's all and you don't need to know our personal lives^@user2: Daniel going off^ tbh I don't even like Y/n, she should just die

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@beautychickee: we will always be here, no matter what happens❤️ @y/n.lewis @tatedoll
Liked by: @corbynbesson, @y/n.lewis, @amy.williams and 84,034 others
@corbynbesson: wow no pc but your ass still looks amazing🤩
@tatedoll: there are children here^
@y/n.lewis: ❤️❤️
@user1: just die^

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