3- getting caught

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I wake up by Jackson shouting so I grab my gun and run to his room. When I walk into the room I see Payton on top of Dylan beating him up and Jacksons looking for his gun. Payton stands up and Dylan was knocked out. Jackson points the gun to Payton but I point my gun at Jackson.

Anna- drop the gun jacks

Jackson- are you mad! No way! He is supposed to be dead anna!
Anna- I know but he needs to live!
Jackson- why? What have you fell in love with him or some shit!

Anna- NO! Loves a waste of time! He knows about emma and where she is so please drop the gun!
Jackson- how do you know that anna he could be lying!

Jackson takes his gun off of safety but I run in front of Payton.

Jackson- Anna move!
Anna- no go on shoot me!

Jackson- no anna move!
Anna- No! Now lower your gun or shoot me!

Jackson- Anna hes lying to you he doesn't know emma !
Anna- he does Jackson he knows the song she wrote when we were 5!

Jackson- here come the sun?

Payon- do do do do.

I laugh a little bit and nod my head. Jackson lowers his gun.

Jackson- does Robert know?

Anna-no and hes not going to know right?

Jackson- I wont say anything but what do I say to Dylan?

Anna- erm that ill kill him and tell everyone why we broke up if he tells my dad.

Jackson laughs a little.

Jackson- okay..erm also you might wanna keep crazy man in your room until you trust him fully because look what he did to Dylan.

Anna- awww that's just unlucky for Dylan and okay yeah I will do.

Jackson- good!

I grab Payton's arm and drag him back to my room. I lock the door behind me and I hit Payton on the back of the head but he just laughs.

Anna- I said to always keep the door locked and to not be seen and the first thing you do is attack someone?

Payton- he deserved it !

Anna- and whys that?!
Payton- cause he asked me what I was gonna do yesterday so I showed him. Plus doesn't this show you your little boyfriend needs to train more.

Anna- he is not my boyfriend!

Payton- well he sure likes you!
Anna- well that's his fault he fucked up the relationship then isn't it!
Payton- wait what happened with you two?

I roll my eyes and walk to my closet looking for something to wear.

Payton- you should wear this look

He pulls out a cuteish outfit and hands it to me.

Anna- thanks but I was planning on training before i go breakfast.

Payton- why after breakfast?

Anna- because i always feel sick after i eat and then work out.

Payton- okay i guess that makes sense.

Anna- yup.

I grab some sports wear and walk into the bathroom. I get changed and i threw my hair into a messy bun. I then walk back into my room and see payton holding my photo album of me and Emma. I run and grab it out of his hands and put it back where is originally was.

Payton- its rude to snatch you know!

Anna- and its rude to look through peoples stuff so we're equal! Okay so while im gone ill steal some of jacksons clothes and you can borrow them for the time being okay?

Payton- yeah okay.

I grab my phone.

Anna- if you need anything call this number with the phone over there okay?

Payton- yeah okay. you know for a girl who kidnapped me you don't half have a lot of trust in me.

Anna- i don't trust you i have hope your different. Two different things.

I hand him a piece of paper with my number on it and then i head down to the training room with Jackson so we can practice defence together.

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