10- 2 years later

159 4 1

this episode is really long

I wake up by Emma jumping on my bed shouting at me to get up. I laugh a little and throw a pillow at her as she lies down next to me.

Emma- hey guess what.

Anna- what emma?

Emma- im 21 years old today!

Anna- how crazy and im 19 soon.

Emma- god were growing up real fast huh.

Anna- yeah..mum would have been proud.

Emma- yeah.

She smiles and gets off of my bed.

Emma- ill see you down stairs. Oh also wake Payton up dad has a mission for the Pair of you and he wants to see you both in two hours.

Anna- okay I will do.

She smiles and leaves my room and I get changed into one of Jacksons grey hoodies and some black leggings. I then head to Paytons room.

Anna- wake up sleepy head.

Payton- no!

I throw a pillow from his couch at him and he laughs a little bit.

Payton- ugh okay im up.

He then sits up and I sit at the end of his bed.

Payton- good morning Anna.

Anna- good morning Payton.

Payton- so what are we doing today?

Anna- So are you ready for this?

Payton- yup im all ears.

Anna- okay good. So first we will go train then eat. Then we will sit in the living room trying not barf at Avani and Jackson.

Payton- I already like today!

I laugh and continue telling him what we were doing. During the past two years me and Payton have gotten really close.

Anna- then we have to go to my dads office because he has a mission for us to do together. Then lastly we will come back home annoy the fuck out of Emma the go to bed.

Payton- today sounds erm how do I say it..PERFECT!

We both laugh.

Anna- ill see you in the training room.

Payton- see you there.

I smile and head down to the training room. About 5 minutes later Payton walks into the room and hugs me. I smile and hug him back we both then pull away from the hug and we both smile at each other.

Anna- wanna do gun practice?

Payton- sure.

We walk over to the shooting area and load our guns.

Payton- lets play a game. The closet to the bullseye gets to ask a question.

Anna- lets do it. ready?

Payton- yup.

Anna- okay shoot.

We both shoot and mine is just off a bullseye and Paytons was about 7 cm away.

Payton- dam it. okay whats your question?

We reload our guns as I asked him the question.

Anna- do you miss the Sleeping Angles?

Payton- not at all.

Anna- why?

Payton- no double questions.

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