9- His Plan

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Payton- right how are we going to do this?

Anna- what do you mean Payton? Do what?

Payton- Get Emma back. I know my dads on a business trip until tomorrow so we have until sun down to get her back.

Anna- are you really going to help me with this?

Payton- yes.

Anna-why? What happened to waiting a month so they bring Emma to us?

Payton- I changed my mind.

Anna- why?

Payton- because I cant stand seeing you sad. Now heres whats going to happen....

*time skip*

Me and Payton were sat outside of the Sleeping Angles mansion in the car as the sun was setting. It finally got dark so we ran over to the back entrance that Payton knew the password for. We the found our way back to Paytons window.

Payton- remember just hide until she enters then show your self and I will be getting the money from the back okay? We only have abut 5 minutes so we cant afford any mess ups so when I shout you you need to leave with or without emma okay?

Anna- okay. But what if it doesn't work?

Payton- it will.

He gives me a boost up to his room and I quickly ran to the closet and I just waited there. After a few seconds the bedroom door opened and someone entered. They sat on the bed and started to hum a song and I knew it was emma so I shoot out the closet and closed the bedroom door.

Emma- HELP!

I run over to her and put my hand over her mouth. I then take my hood down so she could see it was me.

Emma- anna?

Anna- hello Emma.

Emma oh my god. I have been waiting for you. I missed you so much.

Anna- I missed you too but we really have to go.

Emma- is Payton safe?


Payton- NOW ANNA!

Anna- yes now come on!

I grab emmas arm and jump out of the window landing in the back of the truck we were driving. I put my thumb up signalling to payton we were okay and he quickly drives out of the gates and back home. When we get there we all head inside and everyone was sat in the living room. They all turn and look at us shocked.

Anna- surprise?

Everyone runs to emma and hugs her while welcoming her back. My dad walked over to me and payton.

Robert- well done anna!

Anna- thanks but it was all Paytons plan.

Robert- really?

Anna- yeah.

Robert- well Payton. I don't think you'd be a bad addition to the Gang. I think with the right amount of training with Anna you would fit right in.

everyone was now staring at us.

Payton- really?

Robert- yeah. I mean you've proved your self worthy and well all we need now is to fully trust you. So until we can you'll be staying in Annas room and when you become an official member you could have one of the spare bedrooms.

Payton- thank you sir. I wont let you down.

Robert- I know you wont. Now lets celebrate Emma coming home.

Everyone cheers and I look at Payton with an approving smile.

Payton- what?

He said that while laughing a little bit.

Anna- oh nothing. Its just I still have hope in you.

Payton- and I still have hope in you.

We both laugh and join the others.

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