8- Old belonging and Memories

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I wake up by Payton shouting in his sleep. He sounded terrified. I run over t him as he was sleeping on my couch and slowly shake him trying to wake him up. Payton wakes up and sits straight up trying to catch his breath.

Anna- hey hey hey its okay im here just calm down.

Payton turns to see me.

Anna- just match my breathing pattern. In.....and out....in...and out...

He matched my breathing pattern while calming down a little bit.

Anna- great...okay now just lie back down and try get some sleep okay?

He nods and I wake back over to my bed and I wait for Payton to fall back asleep before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep again.

I wake up by Payton shaking me. I sit up and look at him worried.

Anna- are you okay?

Payton- yeah erm could you do me a favour.

Anna- sure what time is it.


Anna- Oh okay erm whats the favour?

Payton- Can you take me home so I can get some of my stuff ?

Anna- sure. Lets me go and get Avani and Jackson then we can head out okay?

He nods and I go into Jacksons room.

Anna- *Whisper* Jackson wake up.

Jackson groans and rubs his eyes.

Jackson- why?

Anna- because we gotta go back to the sleeping angles mansion to get some of Paytons stuff.

Jackson- ugh fine.

I laugh and then head to Avanis room.

Anna-*Whisper* Vani wake up we need to go.

Avani-*sleepy voice* Where?

Anna- To the Sleeping angles Mansion to get some of Paytons stuff.

Avani- okay fine im up.

She sits up and I laugh a little before heading back to my room. I grab a Black Hoodie with Black leggings. I Go into the bathroom and get ready. We all then get in the car and drive to The Sleeping Angels mansion. We finally get there and Avani gets out of the car and started flirting with the guards and Jackson drives past them. We then head to Paytons bedroom window and Jackson gives me and Payton a life up. We enter his room and Payton looks nervous.

Anna- hey..are you okay?

Payton- yeah. come on we better get my stuff.

I nod and he starts packing and I sit down on his bed.

Payton- catch.

Payton throws a neckless at me and I catch it. The neckless was beautiful with a pendent that opened and there was a photo of me and Emma inside.

Anna- is this emmas?

Payton- yeah.

Anna- oh thanks Payton.

I kept looking at the neckless with tears in my eyes because I knew Emma was in the same house as me but I have to leave her just a little longer until I have a plan to safely get her out of here.

Payton- here..let me help.

Payton walks over to me and takes the neckless out of my hands. He then takes me hand and help me stand up off of the bed. I smile and turn around moving my hair to one side. Payton then slowly put the neckless on my and then he moved my hair back. Just then I heard Jackson shout "We need to go now!". Me and Payton head to the window which is when I heard emma singing from in the corridor. She was singing here comes the sun. I stop and Payton noticed why. I start to walk over the the door but Payton grabbed my arm.

Payton- Anna. Not now. I promise we will get her soon just not now.

I look back at payton then back at the door as tears fill my eyes and the door handle turned. I nod and we all quickly leave just before emma walked into Paytons Bedroom.

Jackson- Avani lets go! Now!

Avani nods and we all get in the car and quickly drive away. The whole ride home I didn't say a word. I was so close to seeing emma and I blew it. We got back home and when no one was looking Payton grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs to my room. He locks the door behind us and he makes me sit down on the edge of the bed.

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