Someday we'll both be older

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Authors note: yea the chapters are song lyrics because i am cringe incarnate fuck you.  also this chapter might be longer than the other ones whoops anyway enjoy. 


It was nearing the end of your time at Hope's Peak Academy, your final exams were coming up, you had to write an essay detailing the history of your talent, the benefits and disadvantages and other shit, as well as making a project based on your talent. Boy is this week gonna be stressful and boring, you thought.

You pouted as you strolled down the halls of the academy, deciding to collect some things from the art studio, you had stayed back later today to plan out your assignment wondering what materials you would need, you were thankful the school was so generous, it had so many supplies you could borrow. 

As you entered the room, you were hit with that art-room-wet-paint-smell, you ran your finger through your hair and lightly tugged at it, grumbling quietly, your stomach was getting that feeling again, a dull pain, not painful enough to be a cramp but not light enough to go unnoticed, it was usually a sign that something bad will happen soon, it was always a sign that something bad will happen. 

Call it intuition, call it coincidence, whatever it was, it was a pain in the ass and you never cared for superstition anyway.

You rubbed your forehead and took a deep breath, no doubt it's a sign I'm gonna fail my exams... you shook your head, I can't think so negatively! 

You scratched your head, planning on stress-dying your hair tonight, like you usually do, not that it was difficult, you were the ultimate hair dresser after all, your talent seemed to have given your hair unusual strength, as it was quick to grow back no matter how many times you cut, shaved and dyed it, those with receding hairlines would be very jealous. Your talent also gave you incredible precision, being able to dye or shave any pattern into your head without the risk of making a mistake or the colours mixing together.

As soon as the feeling left, you walked over to a wooden box, bent over and started rummaging around, collecting the hair dye you required for your project and placing them in your bag, you were happy that you were allowed to keep the hairbrush from the box, having lost yours like a month ago. 

Smiling to yourself, you stood back up and put the box back, swinging the backpack around your shoulders, and left the room. You were back in the hall again, the teal carpeting, clean and pristine, not a speck of dust to be found. Heh, Kirumi must have been here... (Authors note - Kirumi is my wife I love her so much-).

 You began down the hall, most of your classmates and other students have left, the setting sun shining through the windows, the rays bouncing off the floor, a warm feeling on your face.

You saw a familiar figure leave a room further down, her back facing you, not a care in the world. Your face glowed as you picked up the pace.

"H-Hey! Tsumugi!" You called as you jogged down the hall, your arm flapping in the air to get the geeky girl's attention. 

i'll never feel ashamed of using you for pleasure (Tsumugi Shirogane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now