I wonder if we'll be together looking back on the past

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Author's note: let me know if Y/N becomes too unlikeable alright? Feedback is appreciated


School was infuriatingly boring. Your face scrunched up as you glared out of the window, your hand resting on your chin, the sun shining on your freshly painted nails, mirroring the pale pink of your newly dyed and cut hair.

"Miss Y/N!" The teacher shouted across the classroom, clearly annoyed that you weren't paying attention to the stupid dumb pointless fucking lesson.

"This is the most important thing you will EVER learn in this classroom, and if you fail to remember, you will have no hope of passing your exams and..."          Oh how you wished you were anywhere but here, your face crumpled further as you glared at the students staring at you, Kokichi making some smart-ass comment under his breath (Authors note: god how I fucking hate K*kichi djdjdjdjdjdjsjksjdjd). You wished you were back with Tsumugi out in the sun, and you were reminded of your plans with her.

As you prepared to leave, you looked out the window and saw it was raining. "Fucks sake", you grumbled. You shoved a coat on and yanked up your boots. You left your house to head to the town's café to study for your exams, annoyed at the rain spitting on your head, you rubbed at your face, pulling the hood of your coat over your head. You strolled down the street, the wind blowing your hair from your face as you reached the café entrance.

A small bell rung to sign your entrance and you scanned the the room to find a place to sit. The café was very popular among students so you saw many people around your age studying for their exams, a variation of books and laptops surrounding them, the café owner didn't mind and even added free wifi to the café, you spotted Tsumugi sat near a window, headphones in and glued to her laptop, a tower of books beside her.

You awkwardly walked up to her and tapped her shoulder, she jumped and looked up in surprise. "Hi, mind if I sit here?" You asked, pointing to the space beside her.
"Hm? Oh yeah of course!" Tsumugi shifted along and smiled up at you, she seemed pleased to have your company.

It had been a couple hours and the sun was going down, the warm yellow lights of the café giving a cosy aesthetic. Tsumugi yawned and rested her head on your shoulder, you blushed as your cheek laid against her soft hair, filling your nose with the scent of her marshmallow shampoo.

"A-Ah! U-Um I-I think that's enough studying for today..." You were never this nervous before, but being cuddled up with such a cute girl just does that to you, idk why you didn't question why she was acting so intimate though.

"hmm... Oh, yeah, you're right, I almost dosed off there aha," Tsumugi lifted her head and stretched. "It's still raining though... and it's a long way home..." Tsumugi mumbled, glancing out the window into the dimly lit street outside.

"Maybe we could watch anime until the rain stops?" You suggested, the rain slapping against the building. Tsumugi perked up, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Y-Yeah, that's a great idea y/n! Can you find one while I go pee?" You nodded and Tsumugi quickly walked away, bringing her bag with her, you took a look around the café, there was still a lot of people here, a different crowd though, a selection of pastel coloured hair either staring at a book or an electronic device.

You noticed Kaede looking at you, she was sat with some other girls that were likely from different classes, sat next to her was a light pink haired girl playing on a ds, and in front was a girl with long blue hair with a girl with short black hair and freckles sat next to her. Kaede gave a small wave and smiled, you waved back and brought your attention back to the laptop, opening a romance anime and waited for Tsumugi to return.

You noticed a notification in her emails tab, you were tempted to check it, but that was an invasion of privacy wasn't it? There was no sign of Tsumugi returning and you were getting bored so you decided, fuck it. The email was a reply from something called Team Danganronpa? You assumed it was some sort of company, you hadn't heard of it though, the reply was to a class picture, it showed you and all your classmates, it seemed pretty harmless, she was the one in charge of taking pictures for the class after all, and did a lot of the photography work when Mahiru wasn't available, due to her cosplay experiences, it was probably some sort of printing company for the end of the year photos or something.

You returned back to the anime tab as she came back, her hair was messier than earlier and her face seemed deep red, as she sat down, she placed her hand on the laptop, clamping it on top of yours, her hand felt very sweaty.

"Ah! Sorry!" She jumped as she snatched her hand back. Her face turning redder from embarrassment, it was practically glowing, you could feel the heat from where you sat.

"Heh, it's fine don't worry," you snorted as she tried to pull herself together.

"Oh! I see you've found a pretty good one," she stated in surprise, her eyes focused on the screen again.

Tsumugi leaned into the screen and placed the earbuds in each other's ears, and she snuggled up closer to you, smiling at the video, you watched the flashing colours too, but you couldn't distract yourself from the feeling of Tsumugi being so close to you. When an intense battle happened a few episodes, she gripped onto your arm in excitement, you looked over in surprise but her face was focused on the anime, the brightness of the screen accentuating her features, her face covered in pink with sprinkles of sweat marking her cheeks and forehead, the corners of her mouth turned up in bliss as she pushed her face into your shoulder, the light contorting her eyes into a bluish colour and adding shadows beneath her eyes.

Sure, you had a headache from all the time spent staring at a laptop and your body was threatening to drop dead from of all those days you spent not sleeping, and your arm fell asleep, but for now, you were in total euphoria, resting your cheek in Tsumugi's soft hair as you finished the season.

It was around 10pm and the rain had stopped, you and Tsumugi had entered the inky blackness of the outside world, lit only by dim streetlights, passing cars and the faded light of distant households.

"H-Hey, Y/N?" Tsumugi turned to you, shivering in the aftermath of the downpour.

"What's up? Want me to walk you home?" You asked, Tsumugi lived quite a while away so it was understandable that she wouldn't want to go alone in the dark.

"N-No, um, actually I-I was wondering if I could stay at your house tonight? It's just that, my parents had left for the weekend a-and they didn't tell me until now s-so I can't get into m-my house..."

"O-Oh yeah of course! I'm not just gonna leave you in the cold!" You wrapped your arm around her and the two of you began heading home.


Authors note: Tsumugi be like :)

why tf do these dickheads stutter so much

im not changing it tho

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