Chapter 3 - It is Known

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287 AC

Jaenara slowly walked over to the field her son and daughter stood in with Vaghara, Visenya's Equus. The bond between Vaghara and Visenya was one no person alive had seen, and it joyed Jaenara to see the two together, what filled her heart with even more happiness was Visenya sharing her unique time with her brother.

She stroked her growing stomach as she watched her daughter explain how to command Vaghara to bend a knee to make it easier for Valarr to climb her. It took a few tries because, like his master, Vaghara was stubborn. Jaenara felt no worry as her daughter commanded Vaghara with only her mouth to slowly walk with Valarr on his back. Visenya and Vaghara were fiercely protective over the young boy, even if he annoyed them with pleas of wanting to ride with them often.

"Will I get an Equus for my nameday?" Valarr asked his sister, only a few days before his fourth nameday, and he was excited.

She tapped his back to sit up straighter, a skill he needed to learn early or face the wrath of a painful journey when riding the Equorum. She narrowed her amethyst eyes into his identical ones, "When you celebrate your fifth nameday, maybe. Just because you are a boy does not mean you are any better."

Valarr happily smiled, watching as Visenya whispered to Vaghara, and the Equus turned to return from the outer field. He waved at his mother when Vaghara turned, and he saw her watching them; as she waved back, he looked back to his sister, "Will you show me how to fight, like Uncle Aelinor shows you?"

Visenya spun so quickly and glared at her brother that Valarr jumped at her speed. Vaghara snorted at her master's anger, "How do you know about that?!"

Instead of fearing her glare, Valarr only smirked, "I followed you when you left me at Morwyn Brynne's lesson."

Visenya snarled at her brother, "What do you want?"

Valarr shrugged, "Show me how to fight like Uncle Aelinor shows you..."

Visenya raised a skeptical brow, "That's it? You won't tell mother or father?"

"I swear on the God, Syrax," Valarr solemnly raised his right hand and placed it on his heart.

Visenya snorted and pushed his hand down, "I wouldn't go that far. But fine, I'll train you when you reach your fifth nameday."

Valarr cheered, and even Vaghara brayed at the young boy's happiness. As they reached their mother, she smiled wide at them, "Did you have a nice time?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed, sliding down into her Mother's arms. He slyly looked over his shoulder to his sister, "I can't wait for my fifth nameday."

Visenya glared at him as their mother laughed, "Fourth nameday first, my son."

The two walked away, Visenya and Vaghara watching them intently, "He's a tricky one, Vaghara." Visenya stroked her fingers through Vaghara's white mane, "Do you think mother would mind if he didn't make it to his fourth nameday, let alone his fifth?"

Vaghara whined, shaking her head softly, and Visenya scowled at her brothers back, "You're right. I guess she wouldn't be too happy whatever day it was."

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298 AC

Visenya and Valarr watched the Dothraki barbaric traditions with brows raised underneath their veils; with their hair and eyes, it would be too easy for questions to be asked. Their people wished to stay hidden, and that is what they would continue to protect.

"Tur tye nauth Elder Tarys a Morwyn Brynne tirith hi, Seler?" Valarr murmured over to her, humor in his tone. [Can you imagine Elder Tarys and Morwyn Brynne watching this, sister?]

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