Chapter 20 - A diversion

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A/N Birthday update 🥳 Hope you enjoy xoxo

"Lord Tywin has closed off the kingsroad, and now he's marching north toward Harrenhal," Robb informed his men as they gathered once again around the stone table.

"Do you think he intends to meet you here?" Catelyn asked, noticing north of Harrenhal was nothing but the Twins and then Moat Cailin.

Halys Hornwood looked down at Catelyn, "No, My Lady. We have discussed this. Tywin is a fearsome foe, but he also knows that no southern army has ever passed Moat Cailin without the approval of the north."

Visenya pointed, "And what of these Twins?" She knew from lessons with Bran that the House of Frey were loyal to the house of Tully. "Why is this not being talked of? They are loyal to your family, are they not?"

There were knowing glances around the room at her questions, but it was Brynden who answered, speaking to her the first time, "That is true, My Lady. Lord Walder Frey might be sworn to Riverrun, but he's a cautious man who had lived a long time by making certain he's always on the winning side."

There were nods around the room as Visenya's eyes widened at the news, "If this is well known, why has nothing been done? Where I am from, your fealty is an oath that cannot be broken unless in defeat."

Brynden held back a laugh; he could see the lass was not stupid but here was proof that she could say what many, even his father, had dared not.

"Some men take their oaths more seriously than others, Visenya," Catelyn cautioned the princess ruefully. "But my brother is right; Lord Walder was always friendlier with Casterly Rock than my father would have liked. One of his sons is wed to Tywin Lannister's sister..."

"Do you think he means to betray us to the Lannisters, my lady?" Galbart Glover asked gravely.

Catelyn sighed. "If truth be told, I doubt even Lord Frey knows what Lord Frey intends to do. He has an old man's caution and a young man's ambition and has never lacked for cunning."

Visenya scowled; she looked to Robb and muttered, "Cunning men. Those are the ones hiding behind their masks, pretending to help, pretending to be heroes when they are not. I would not trust a cunning man, especially one who seeks ambition over fealty."

While the strong statement was muttered to Robb, the whole room heard it and fully agreed with the princess.

"We must have the Twins," Robb told her regrettably. "There is no other way across the river."

Catelyn agreed unhappily, "Yes. And so does Walder Frey, you can be sure of that."

There was a knock at the door, and Theon came strolling in. He held out a scroll to Robb, "A message has come from Riverrun."

Catelyn shared a nervous look with her brother as Robb opened the scroll. As he read it, his shoulder dropped; when his eyes met his mother's, Catelyn knew the news was not good. "Lord Blackwood has written,

There has been a battle under the walls of Riverrun," he said, his mouth grim. "The Kingslayer has destroyed Edmure's host and sent the lords of the Trident reeling in flight."

A cold hand clutched at Catelyn's heart. "And my brother?"

"Wounded and taken prisoner," Robb told her solemnly. "Lord Blackwood and the other survivors are under siege inside Riverrun, surrounded by Jaime's host."

Greatjon grimaced at the news. He pointed to Riverrun, "And as Lord Blackwood is stuck in Riverrun-" He then moved his finger to Raventree Hall, "-Lord Tywin can take Raventree Hall-" his finger moved to rest on Harrenhal, "-before he marches towards Harrenhal. "Lady Whent does not have the numbers to protect it from the Lannisters."

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