(9+10=) chapter 21

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Sorry it's taking took so long, school and stuff are getting overwhelming @-@

Y/n POV ~

I sighed. I could hear the distant sound of yelling and fighting. What it was over, I had no clue.
I stood up, the chains pretty heavy, and went as far as it would allow. The distance I could go was fair enough, I just couldn't reach the door.
I made my way over to the overly large bed, sitting on the edge. I wasn't going anywhere, so, I might as well get comfortable..

Toby's POV~

I headed down the hall, stopping in front of the large door that led to Slenders office. I took a deep breath before knocking, he hated when we barge in without knocking first.
"You may enter." I heard from the other side of the door. I shuddered at how.. calm he sounded.
I went in slowly, standing in front of his desk. He sat in a swivel chair behind it, hands clasped in front of where his mouth should be, leaning over the desk. "Now, about the girl... what were you thinking when you brought her here?" He said, his tone calm though the atmosphere around was thick.
"I-I was hoping t- -tic- to keep her here s -tic- so I can have someone t -tic- to
love..." For once, I was glad to have my mask on, it his the probably very dark blush painted across my cheeks.
Slender didn't say a word for a few nerve racking moments.
"If she's going to stay here.. you'll have to train her." he stated, sitting back in his chair.
I smiled, which quickly faded as I thought it over. Teach (y/n) to kill...? I could tell right now she wasn't going to like it.. she didn't like hurting anyone or anything.. I've watched her long enough to know that.
"And as for your punishment.." he began, "You cannot have any waffles for a year. If I see you so much as ask someone for a bite, it will extend. Understood?" I nodded, I'd rather give up waffles if it meant I could stay with (y/n)!
"Also, your grounded for three weeks. Stay in your room." he said as my shoulders slumped a bit. Grounded?! For three weeks?! I don't have anything interesting in my room! I sighed and hung my head, this is gonna be a long three weeks..

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