Five- misunderstandings

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He pulled whatever it was out of his pockets at an agonizingly slow rate, as if to build the tension, and I just stood there, twitching from the anxiety. Another thing i was born with, I twitch when I'm anxious, nervouse, or extremely mad. "What's wrong?" John asked, speaking with a creepy, knowing smile, "Why so pale?" I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out, I was mortified. His killer expression turned into one of pure humor as he pulled out a phone, "Gotcha." I exhaled deeply, just now realizing I was holding my breath, and relaxed. "Th-that wasn't f-f-funny!" I tried to sound angry, but my stuttering didn't help, neither did my twitching. He simply laughed, "What, I couldn't resist the temptation! it's not my fault you have an over imaginative imagination (y/n)," he said. I looked at him confusedly, H-how do you kn-know my na-name?" I asked. He smiled and looked at his phone, taking a picture of me, "What kind of killer would I be if I didn't know my victims names? It's all apart of the fun," he said, looking at me creepily. "..." I was speachless, I didn't know what to do. He just confessed he was a killer and that I was his next victim, I should be freaking out or trying to call the police! Yet I stand here and let him hang in my house. For all I know, he could just be acting, even if he was cute... wait what? I can't think about him like that! He's a killer and I'm just the victim...
"Helloooooo! Toby to (y/n)! Anyone home?" Toby, as he said his name, said, waving his hand in front of my face. "Wait, what?" I asked, blushing at spacing out in front of him, and about him at that. He giggled and took out his phone, "I said, do you wanna meet my friend BEN?" He said again, I simply nodded. He placed his phone on the floor, yelling an 'Okay BEN" at his phone. I stood and stared at the phone with wide eyes as a hand came through the screen

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