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I woke up and saw Toby looking down at me... wait, was he watching me sleep?! Oookay... I jolted up and backed up on the bed, pressing against the head rest in a mix of shock, confusion, and fear. How am I supposed to know what he's gonna do? For all I know, this could be all apart of his plan to kill me! "Nice to see you up," Toby said, sitting on the bed and ticking again, followed by that bone sickening crunch. "u-uh, y-y-yeah, I g-guess..." I said as I looked around, my hand twitching slightly. "Hehe, no need to be nervous love, i'm off duty, so to speak," he said, noticing my twitching and stuttering.
"I-Im not af-fraid," I said, scowling at him.
"Why the stutter?"
"I d-don't kn-know, it just c-comes and goes," I replied, seeing his mask lift a little. I stuck my tongue out at him, causing him to laugh.

"She awake yet?" BEN called as he walked in, staring down at his phone. "Hi," I said, causing him to look up at me. "Nice to see ya up," he said, "You fell pretty hard." That's when I felt it, the pain in the back of my head. "Thanks for bringing it up," I muttered a I rubbed the back of my head, "So... what now?"

Hope that's not a cliffhanger, anyways, I may not update for a while. Stuffs goin on and I need to take care of it. let's just say, friend and depression issues. don't look into it but yeah, I don't wanna drag u guys into it. don't wanna be classified as an attention whore, BYE!

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