The meeting

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I looked up from someone's chest, seeing a mask with psychotic smile that only covered the mouth and orange goggles. "Hello~" he said in a somewhat demented and insane way, his head suddenly twitching, followed by a sickening crunch of bones. I could feel my eyes widen in fear as I felt something cold rub against my skin I tried to run, but barely managed to back up, stuttering as I tried to speak. It was an involuntary action really, I had a stutter and it would come out at the worst of times. But, anyways, I looked at his hands and saw two small axes, one in each of his hands. My hands tightened on the handle of my bat as I took a step back to counter his steps forward. "D-don't come any c-closer! I-I'm w-warning yo-you!" I managed, trying to sound confident despite my stuttering. He chuckled darkly and took a large step forward, causing me to take a large step back and tripping over a book I left out, wonderful. I fell back, dropping the bat and landing on my toosh. "oof," I said, landing with a thud, my hair falling in my face. What happened next, I didn't expect (RHYM) , the unknown male bursted out laughing, clutching his stomach as he looked at me. I blew a strand of hair out of my face and looked up at him, hearing another sickening crunch. "H-hey! I-I-it's not f-fu-funny!" I wailed like a child as I stood up, crossing my arms across my chest and pouting, hopefully distracting him enough so he wouldn't kill me. He continued to laugh at my reaction, falling to the floor in a fit of oxygen depriving laughter. I stood there as he did this until he finally calmed down and laid there, just laid on my floor catching his breath. "You done now?" I asked, giggling. "Yeah," he sighed, sitting up and twitching. I extended a hand which he gladly excepted as he chuckled. I stood there, hand in his, and we looked into each other's eyes. We stayed like that for a few moments, and when we finally realized what we were doing, we let go and looked away, a light pink dusting both our faces, talk about awkward.

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