How it began

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I walked down the street, like I normally do in the afternoon, listening to random songs in my playlist. Everything was quiet, the leaves from the nearby forest swayed in the gently breeze, the afternoon shadows crept along the sides, and the normal guy in a hoodie, goggles, and mask watched me.. wait, WHAT!? I removed my (f/c) headphone and looked towards the forest, expecting to see him again, but he was gone, as if he was never there. I looked at the spot where he had been carefully, staring deep into the shadows. I kept my eyes on the trees as I quickly walked back home. Normally, I would have walked around the block until I reached my house, but today was different. I felt watched with every movement, the feeling intensified as I got closer. I reached the door and I felt a breath on my neck. I whiped around to be face to face with... nothing. No one was there and it scared me. I quickly opened and shut the door behind me.
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