2.0 | Never Again, I Promise

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20 | Never Again, I Promise

→ We'll always protect you 

→ I only reward my trust to specific people


THE DOOR BELL chime echoes across the house, bouncing off the walls. Mason groans- over dramatically, in my opinion- before pushing himself off the floor. Caden beats him to the door so he stops a few steps away from the doorway. The door opens all the way, revealing a clear view of the men on the other side. Two large men wearing blue police uniforms stand besides each other, stiff in posture and expressionless.

"Police. We are performing an investigation, sir. Is this the residence of Jessica Jane Willens?" The first man holds up a card at shoulder level. Identification proof. I immediately stiffen when I hear my full name. What could I have done wrong? Aiden's arm tightens around me protectively.

"Yes, officer." Caden stands taller but I notice the slight tremor in his left hand. He's scared too.

I recall my mother's voice from that one time when we heard sirens near our house. 'Never trust the police officers.' It was one of the only pieces of advice she ever gave me. Somewhere, deep inside, I knew I still craved my mother's affection and advice. Like any daughter, I wanted someone to guide me, give me hugs, and tell me that I was loved. But I knew I would never get that. I realize that now, though my fear of police officers never extinguished.

"We would like to ask a few questions regarding the case of her mother. Illegal substances were found scattered across the house and light switches broken. The house didn't seem fit for two residents. An investigation for a case of child neglect and abuse has been started up." My breathing picked up in panic. Abuse? Neglect? The police officer's words echo in my ear. I place my hands over my ear, holding on tight. I try to block the sounds of the police officers, hoping that if I can't hear them, they would go away. I bury my head into Aiden's shirt and he places both arms around me, his chin resting on the top of my head.

The goal doesn't work though. I hear the officer's voice closer than ever. "Jess?" A voice calls softly. I identify it as Eli's as he rubs circles on my back. "They just want to ask some questions, okay? You can stop whenever you want."

I peek slightly to see the officers watching me intently from the other side of the room. It brought back too many memories. Too many encounters with officers. Mason and Caden, who were both following behind the officers, perch on the gray cloth couch besides them. The officer finally acknowledges me directly.

The first officer was close to balding besides for the few stray hairs on his head, though he seemed young. His aura wasn't intimidating and his voice was gentle when he spoke. Complete opposite from when he first talked to Caden. "Hun, I know this might be hard but I just want you to nod or shake your head, okay?"

I nod, not seeing much of an alternative. The officer gives me a warm smile, his eyelids wrinkling. Eli steps up and gently shoves me onto the couch. I obey and Eli takes a seat right besides me. Aiden never leaves either and that's when I notice his hand, still holding onto mine. He had never let go.

The second officer picks out a notepad from his belt pocket. It was near the leather pouch, with presumably the taser inside. He started his questioning, unaware of the millions of voices in my head. "Did your mother ever hurt you?" Shake.

"Did your mother pay the bills?" Shake.

"Did you eat at least three meals a day?" Shake. I sneak a look at the boys. They were all watching. Caden's forehead tightens at this answer and I see Aiden clench his fist. Was it my fault?

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