0.5 | Just My Luck

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05 | Just My Luck

→ Sometimes, what may seem the most unlucky, may be the luckiest

→ I'm so freaking glad I met you


"DADDY, I WANNA be Cinderella for halloween!"

"Well..." daddy droned, tapping his finger against his chin as if he was thinking. "You already are a princess so it will be perfect!" 

I smiled in delight before suddenly getting suspicious. "Daddy, am I reeeeeally a princess?" I asked.

"You're my princess, bumblebee."

"Daddy?" I ask, looking up to get a clear view of his face. "Everyone at school has a mommy, do I have a mommy?" 

Daddy's face hardens for a second but goes back to his smiling expression, so soon that my little mind didn't even comprehend the mood change. 

"That's okay daddy! I don't need a mommy, I have you!"

"And I have you princess!" He replied, his usual grin back before grabbing me in a bear hug and kissing my forehead.


"So, you must be the new girl?" I felt a presence above my shoulder and looked up to see a pretty brown haired girl hovering over me. She had curly brown which was pulled into a ponytail that reached half way down her back. Her dark brown eyes and contagious smile soon had me smiling as well.

Her question seemed friendly enough, not a question of hate but out of pure curiosity. "Yup, that's me, just joined today," I rambled.

"Don't worry, I know. Everyone heard about your run-in with the boys today," she laughed, wiggling one of her eyebrows suggestively.

"I bet they did." I rolled my eyes, scoffing. High schoolers these days had nothing better to do than sticking their noses in other peoples' business.

The brown haired girl pulled a chair back, scraping it against the tiled classroom floor, and took a seat next to me. "I'm Alexis, you can call me Alex," she introduced.

"Well, I'm sure you already know but I'm Jessica, and you can call me... Jessica?" She laughed at my poor attempt of humor. "Who are those boys anyway?" I ask, out of curiosity to put names to the faces.

"Basically your cliche popular boys. Well so they are two kinda popular groups at our school. One is Mason, Aiden, Jackson, and that group," she started, confirming my theory about their popularity. "And then there's the group you pissed off." I shudder at her choice of wording. "Tyler is the goofball of their group, then Jackson. Well, everyone calls him Jack. And he's like the player and-" She was interrupted by a petite woman rushing inside the classroom. The entire room quieted down and everyone seemed to turn their attention towards her. The teacher, I assumed.

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