1.3 | Bowling

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13 | Bowling

→ Teddy bears are my best friends

→ I can do this


"DADDY MEET Mr. Scribbles!" I say, holding up my fluffy yellow teddy bear. Daddy looks up from the novel he was reading and takes off his reading glasses, putting them on the side table. He lifts me onto his lap, as if I weigh nothing, and sets me on his knee.

"Well, hello there Mr. Scribbles." Daddy takes the teddy bear's paw and shakes it lightly. "It's nice to meet you."

A bright smile takes over my face and I hold the teddy bear to my ear, before conveying the message."Mr. Scribbles says hi!" Daddy chuckles, his rumbling belly laugh making me smile wider, if that was even possible.

"Well, then it's time to take Mr. Scribbles and this princess to bed, isn't it?" I nod, yawning on cue. I jump off daddy's lap just as he stands up, stretching his arms. I imitate his movements.

He gives me a playful glare before carrying me and Mr. Scribbles upstairs. I latch onto daddy's neck and lay my head on the crook of his neck as he enters the bathroom.

"Let's put Mr. Scribbles down now and brush your teeth, okay?" I clutch my teddy bear closer to my chest in response. I didn't want to put Mr. Scribbles down.

"Can Mr. Scribbles brush with me too?" I ask as daddy puts me down on the purple bathroom stool.

"Teddy bears don't brush silly goose! I'll hold onto Mr. Scribbles and keep him safe while you brush, alright?" Daddy suggests, gently prying the teddy bear out of my grip.

I grab onto my sparkly pink toothbrush and scrub it against my teeth until foam covers my mouth. Spitting and wiping my mouth with the hand towel, I jump off the stool quickly and reach up for my teddy bear. Daddy hands it to me and leads me to my bedroom.

I climb onto bed, putting Mr. Scribbles up before myself. I crawl towards the opening that daddy had pulled the comforter open in. Cuddling up with Mr. Scribbles right near me, I drag my pillow closer.

"Story?" I ask, expecting my normal bedtime story.

"Not today, princess. I have work early tomorrow." He tells me, pulling the comforter over my tiny body. I pout and he chuckles. Daddy bends down and places a light kiss on my forehead, swiping my hair to tuck under my ear. I put my hands up and wrap them around his head as he bends down, holding him near me for a few moments before he ruffles my hair and stands back up.

"Good night, daddy." I murmur dazed, half asleep already. I yawn again and snuggle deeper into my blanket.

"Good night, princess. Have the sweetest of dreams." He says quietly, standing up off my bed making it jut up once again. "I love you so much." I hear him whisper before shutting off the lights using the switch and closing the room door.


Staring at my reflection in the full length mirror, I examine the third outfit I tried on. I didn't want to dress too fancy or too low and I felt as if I kept overdoing it. What do people normally wear to hang out with friends, I had no idea. The skinny high waisted black jeans jug around my waist and my green blouse fits perfectly with it, while not dragging too much attention. Grabbing a pair of earrings from the jewelry box on the dresser, I push the dangling silver earring onto my ear that my dad had let me pierce at a young age. I sling my loose brown haired braid over my shoulder and tuck a piece of loose hair behind my ear. I touch the precious silver necklace on my neck that I never took off.

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