Chapter Five

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AN: I spent nearly eight hours on this chapter and while it wasn't really as good as I had hoped it would be, im pretty happy with what I came up with. I hope you all enjoy, and let me know what you think!

CW: Mentions of Self-harm

Two days passed. George hadn't heard from Dream since the night of his panic attack, and had grown convinced he had scared the other man away. Numbness settled over his heart, and cuts settled over his skin as his addiction to self-harming grew. He wasn't sure what to do with himself. Everyday felt the same to him: wake up, add to his collection of scars, wash the blood away, and then go back to his bed to ponder his existence.

He often wondered what Oliver was out there doing. Wondered if he was happier with his new lover, if they were doing better than George was. Wondered if Oliver had already touched Edward, with that loving touch that used to caress George's skin.

George's skin that was, currently, being put to use as a cutting board. The comparison made him laugh.

Day one without Dream and his doorbell was ringing again. A man he didn't recognize stood behind the door, wringing his hands nervously. George frowned at him and adjusted the blanket around his shoulders.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked suspiciously. The other kicked at the ground, brown eyes avoiding his gaze.

"You- you're George, right?"

George's eyes narrowed. "And what about it? Who are you?"

The man inhaled and looked up, finally meeting George's gaze. "I'm Edward. Oliver's boyfriend."

George's eyes widened and he stared at the other in disbelief.

"Listen, I know that you and Oliver were...together, and for a really long time, and it didn't really sit right with me that he just left and I just wanted to make sure you were okay-"

"You have got some type of nerve to show up at my door right now," George broke in, fury rising in his throat. "You really think I want to see the face that my ex boyfriend cheated on me with?"

Edward coughed awkwardly. "I just wanted to reach out and see if you were okay? I'm really sorry-"

"You're sorry?" George was stunned. "Sorry? He broke my heart and you're sorry? I can't fucking believe this. You're joking right?"

Edward frowned. "There's no need to be hostile about it."

George laughed humorlessly. "Hostile? You haven't even seen hostile, Edward. Do you know the kind of shit I've been going through because you can't keep your hands to your own man? And you have the balls to show up at my door and say you're sorry? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Edward shot George a fiery glare. "Don't pin this on me," he said angrily. "This wasn't my fault. Maybe if you had just done your job as someone's boyfriend, we wouldn't be in this position right now."

"He cheated on me," George hissed, opening the door wider and getting closer to the other. "That isn't something I did. That was all him. Him and you. Do not even think about blaming this on me."

Edward rolled his eyes, but George saw the way his hands shook as he took a step away from him. "Maybe Oliver was right," he shot back. "You're just an attention-seeking whore. Can't even believe he wasted his time on you."

George felt the words go straight to his heart, shocking him to his core, but he didn't let it show that it had affected him.

"Get out of here," he said, spitting at Edward's feet. The man staggered back and glared at him in disgust. "Next time I see you here, I'll call the police and report you for trespassing."

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