Chapter Thirteen

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TW: Mentions of SH

George wasn't sleeping. How could he, with Dream wrapped around him, holding him so warmly, affectionately? His head spun, unable to cope with these new emotions.

Absently, George scratched at the new cuts on his arms, wincing as his nails caught on the dried blood. Guilt settled in his gut as he remembered his promise to Clay, to tell him if he ever felt like harming. Obviously, he hadn't kept it.

Dream mumbled something in his sleep and moved, leaning further into the couch and pulling George with him. George blushed furiously, as his back was pressed to Dream's chest, between his legs. Sapnap snorted in his sleep from the other end of the couch, half of his body hanging off the edge. George smiled.

He didn't deserve them.

His thoughts returned to Dream, who was still holding him close, his breath tickling George's ear. George stifled a giggle, not wanting to wake either of them.

Vaguely, he noted Clay's arms wrapping themselves around his waist, but was too deep in thought to really react to it.

His feelings for Clay were new. He didn't know if he genuinely liked  him, or if he just missed the comfort of another human, comfort that Dream had so readily supplied, without George even having to ask.

George huffed, getting frustrated with himself. He had been with Oliver for so long that he had forgotten what it was like to feel anything for anyone other than him. He didn't know what to do, couldn't remember what to do. All he knew is that his heart wanted Clay, regardless of his head telling him that he was wrong.

"Georgie? Are you okay?"

George jumped, his hand flying to his mouth to quiet the small yelp that escaped his lips. Sapnap watched in amusement as George exhaled heavily.

"Jesus, Sapnap," he whispered harshly. "What's the matter with you?"

Sapnap shrugged and sat up, wrapping his blanket around his shoulders as he faced George. "What are you doing up?" he asked. "It's pretty late, isn't it?"

"I'm just thinking," George said, rubbing his eyes.

"About Dream?"

George's mouth fell open with a small pop at Nick's bluntness, but he quickly closed it. "What makes you think that?"

Sapnap laughed and gestured for him to move closer. George carefully moved Clay's arms from around his stomach, placing a pillow in them so Dream wouldn't notice, and went to sit beside his other friend.

Sapnap smiled reassuringly at him.

"You like him, don't you?"

George wrung his hands and sank deep into the couch.

"There's no point in denying it," Sapnap laughed. "It's so painfully obvious."

George winced. "It's not like I meant for it to happen," he mumbled, picking at his nail.  "I just-"

"You don't have to explain yourself. I'm just wondering what you plan to do about it."

"Nothing," George said quickly. "I'm not going to do anything about it. I'm going to just...wait it out, let my feelings go away on their own."

Sapnap frowned , looking deeply troubled by this statement. "Why would you do that?"

George shook his head. "You don't get it, Sap," he said. "I can't just...move on so fast like that. Plus, I don't think Clay could ever like me like that. I don't want to ruin our friendship."

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