Chapter Nine

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AN: I hope you guys like this one as much as i did <3

TW: graphic depictions of gore and violence

The Purge was not a good movie.

Dream grimaced as yet another person screamed in agony, dropping dead to the ground with blood pooling around their body, a gaping wound in their stomach. His stomach twisted and turned uncomfortably at the sounds, closing his eyes in discomfort.

"Hey," George whispered from beside him, leaning in closer so he could speak without Sapnap hearing. "Are you okay?"

Dream looked at him, easily losing himself in the rich brown of his eyes, the light dusting of freckles across his nose. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said breathlessly, voice quiet.

On the TV, Clay jumped violently as another high pitched shriek echoed across the room and yet another body dropped dead. George snickered.

"You're such a baby," he muttered, reaching over to pat Dream's shoulder, Dream tensed at the touch, his cheeks turning a wonderful shade of pink. George didn't notice.

He never did.

Dream sighed quietly and turned his eyes back to the gruesome movie.

Love was hard.

He wasn't exactly sure what to do anymore. Dream was in love with George - who was still painfully in love with Oliver. Oliver, who couldn't seem to leave George alone. As the movie went on, Dream recalled the conversation the three of them had had in the kitchen while they waited for the popcorn to pop.

"What did Oliver want, Gogy?"

Surprisingly, Sapnap had been the one to bring it up. George ran a hand through his hair and leaned against the counter.

"He wants to get back together." he said bluntly, staring at the kitchen tiles. Sapnap choked.

"And tell me you did not say yes," Nick demanded, looking appalled. George shook his head and a whoosh of relief fell through Clay's stomach.

"I told him I'd think about it."

Nick looked angry. Dream just sighed and turned away, unable to add his piece to the story.

"You can't get back together with him, George," Nick said desperately, glancing over at Dream. "He's a lunatic!"

George tilted his head in confusion. "How?"

Dream laughed, the sound erupting from his throat without any warning. "How? He broke into your house, George. Did you forget that? Not to mention how he shows up literally everywhere." Dream shook his head. "It's like he's stalking you or something."

Now it was George's turn to laugh. "He's not stalking me," he said, though he sounded a little unsure. "He was drunk the other night, and anyone can show up at the store."

"He cheated on you!" Sapnap exclaimed. "He called you crude names, he bruised your shoulder-"

George grimaced at the reminder, rolling his shoulder slowly. Dream huffed, irritated.

Why was it so hard for him to see?

"Oliver is not a good person, Georgie," Dream said quietly. "He'll only hurt you again and again. He's not going to change."

George shot Dream a look, making him wince at the coldness of it. "You don't even know him," he said angrily. "Don't speak on things you don't understand."

Dream blinked, anger rising in him like a flood, but he clamped his mouth shut.

He didn't want to say something hurtful.

Sapnap tossed him a look full of pity. "We only want what's best for you, George," he said gently, turning back to the stove as the popcorn began to pop. "Don't do something you'll regret."

Dream focused back into real time as another yell shot out from the TV. More people had died since he had last tuned in.

Don't speak on things you don't understand.

Dream frowned. He did understand.

He understood that Oliver was a weird man, obsessed with George to an almost concerning point. If only George could see that. How could he make him see that?

"I'm tired," he said suddenly, shooting up from the couch. The other two looked up at him in surprise. "I'm going to go to bed."

"Too scared to finish the rest of the movie?" Sapnap teased. Dream smiled and nudged his friend's leg with his knee as he walked past.

"I'm just tired, Snapmap," he said, patting George on the head when he passed by behind the couch. "Goodnight Georgie."

"Night, Clay."

Clay was still awake when George opened the bedroom door an hour later, but he merely slowed his breathing and pretended to be asleep. He didn't want to talk tonight.

"Clay?" George whispered. Dream said nothing. George moved around the room a bit, and Dream heard some clothes shuffling as George changed into his sleepwear. The bed sank down a bit as the man crawled into the bed beside him, moving around beneath the blankets until he was comfortable.

The two were quiet for a moment before George spoke up, his words so quiet that Dream could hardly hear him.

"I'm not getting back together with Oliver. I think...he would ruin me if I did."

Clay relaxed minutely, relief coursing through his body.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without him though," George said quietly. "It's been forever since I've had to do anything without him there with me."

Dream gave up on trying to pretend to be asleep, too many thoughts going through his head to keep quiet. He rolled over, facing George and locking eyes with him.

"That's what me and Sap are here for," he said gently. "We're here to help, Georgie."

George looked down, not meeting his eyes. "I feel bad," he admitted. "You guys have lives outside of being here. I'm just...a nuisance."

Dream shook his head and, after a moments hesitation, reached out to grab George's hand. George paused before curling his fingers around Dreams, making the blonde mans heart swell.

"You're not a nuisance, Georgie," he said earnestly. "You're our best friend - we wouldn't be here if we didn't love you, and care for your wellbeing. We'll be here with you, every step of the way."

Dream's eyes widened with panic as George's eyes welled with tears, sliding down his pale cheeks. "Wait, wait, wait, did I say something-"

George gave him a watery laugh and swiped the tears away, squeezing his hand. "No, no, I'm just...Overwhelmed I guess." George sniffed and ran a hand under his eyes. "Jesus, I'm such a crybaby."

Dream laughed and moved a bit closer. George's cheeks turned pink at the proximity, but he didn't move away. Their breath mingled together warmly.

"Are you okay?" Dream asked gently. George blinked and nodded.

"I'm just really lucky to have you here, Clay. I don't know what I would do without you."

Dream pondered that for a second. "Well, for starters, you'd probably be getting back with the douchebag right around now."

They laughed together, shifting closer without even realizing. Their knees bumped, shooting electricity up Dream's spine. He squeezed George's hand again, grinning when he squeezed back.

"Love you, Georgie," Clay smiled, holding George's gaze steadily. George inhaled sharply.

"Goodnight, Clay."

AN: i really liked this chapter, and im very happy with its development. Im currently starting up a discord!! Lmk if you guys would be interested in joining, and if you are, i'll link it with chapter 10 :) thank you all so so much for more than 6,000 reads!! <3

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