Chapter Eleven

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It was late at night when Oliver's phone rang. Two days had passed since his conversation with George at the grocery store, and while he understood the man's hesitation, he didn't think it would take him this long to make up his mind.

Nevertheless, as soon as his phone lit up with the call, Oliver excused himself from where he sat on the sofa with Edward and left the house, standing outside on the porch.

"Georgie," he greeted enthusiastically. "Hey. I was beginning to wonder when you'd call."

George hummed on the other line. "I wasn't sure whether I should even call in the first place."

Oliver frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

A long, tense silence strung out between them before George sighed.

"I've made up my mind. I... don't want to get back together with you, Oliver."

Oliver's heart sank and he had to sit down on the porch steps to regain his bearings. "What- what did I do wrong?" he asked, his voice strained.

"What did you do right, Oliver? You're the one who cheated on me in the first place. I just think it's best for both of us if we...move on." George coughed awkwardly. "You're with Edward now. Does he even know you asked to get back with me?"

Oliver's eyes narrowed. "That's not any of your concern," he said, words cold.

"But it should be his, right? Treat him better, Oliver. I'm sure he's great."

Oliver shook his head. "You don't understand," he protested, tugging in frustration on his hair and gripping the phone tight. "He's not you, Georgie."

"Then maybe you should've treated me better while you had the chance. I'm going to block your number now, Oliver. I really wish the two of you the best." George hesitated before speaking again. "Goodbye."

Oliver felt his heart squeeze painfully as George hung up, and he dropped his hand into his lap, staring in shock at his phone screen.

"Do you want to explain what that was about, or are you just going to let me assume?"

Oliver glanced back behind him. Edward stood in the doorway, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. Oliver swore under his breath.

"Listen, Ed-"

"I really don't feel like listening to your excuses, Oliver," Edward snapped. "Tell me what that was about. Go on."

Oliver got to his feet, an apologetic look on his face. "Ed, I'm really sorry, I just-"

"You want to get back together with George," Ed nodded, tears welling in his eyes. "I get it, don't worry. Go to him, then."

Oliver shook his head, reaching out to grasp Edward's hands. "He turned me down, Ed," he said quietly. "He...told me to treat you better."

Edward pulled his hands away, wiping his tears off his cheeks and sniffling a bit. "You would've left me, just for him," he said disbelievingly. "Without even saying anything. You would've just left. That's fucked up, Oliver."

"Ed, please-"

Edward held a hand up, and Oliver stopped talking.

"Please, just leave. I can't even look at you right now."

Oliver's brows shot up in confusion. "Where am I supposed to go?" he called as Edward walked back inside, watching as he slowly shut the door.

"I'm sure you'll find someone. After all, you can't seem to be faithful to one person to save your life, right?"

Oliver watched with his eyes wide as Edward shut the front door, locking it shut behind him.

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