Chapter Eight

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AN: i thought i would give you guys two updates at the same time instead of one long chapter again. it's hard to switch pov's in the middle of a chapter o-o

He couldn't have one normal day, could he?

He thought it would just be a normal trip, get in, get the groceries they needed, and get out.

Why did Oliver have to be everywhere?


He cringed, shoulders rising defensively at the sound of Oliver's voice. He turned slowly, noting the fact that Sapnap and Dream had gone silent behind him.

"Oliver," he said with false pleasantness. "I...didn't expect to see you here."
Oliver laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I didn't expect to see you here either."

An awkward silence consumed the four of them for a brief moment.

"Can I talk to you for a second, Georgie?" Oliver asked, glancing at the two behind his ex lover. "Alone?"

George hesitated, glancing back at his friends before he nodded. "Just for a second, I suppose."
Oliver beamed. "Great. Let's head outside."

George agreed and handed Dream his wallet. "Get the rest of the stuff we need," he said quietly. "I'll be back in a second."
"Are you going to be okay?" Clay asked, eyeing him with concern. George's stomach twisted strangely at his concern.

"I'll be fine," he confirmed. "This'll only take a minute."

Dream nodded and Sapnap smiled at him briefly before George turned to follow Oliver outside.

This could only go one way.

"What did you want to talk about?" George said once he had caught up to the other man. Oliver rubbed his arm.

"I wanted to apologize."
George's brow shot up in surprise. "Apologize?" he said, stunned. Oliver rarely apologized, being the type to always assume he was in the right.

"For last night." Oliver clarified. George nodded at him to continue. "I was...drunk. And I said some things I didn't mean. I'm sorry, Georgie."

George shook his head. "I asked you not to call me that," he said sternly. "What was your deal last night, Oliver? You quite literally broke into my house. You called me a whore!"

Oliver grimaced and clasped his hands together. "I know," he said uncomfortably. "It was...awful of me, to say something like that to you of all people. I just..."

"What, Oliver?" George said, getting impatient.

"I miss you, Georgie."

George groaned loudly, causing a few passerby to glance at him curiously. "We've been over this," he said, rubbing his forehead. "You can't keep dragging me around like this. It's not fair, Oliver."

"I know, and you know I wouldn't say something like that if I didn't mean it!"

"But you would," George said heatedly. He was sick of this conversation already. "I love you Oliver, but you make it really hard to. You do this all the time! It's exhausting! Why can't you just leave me alone?"

Oliver frowned. "What, so you can go ahead and get with that blonde guy?" He laughed when George blinked at him in confusion. "Don't at dumb. I've seen the way he looks at you."

George shook his head. "I shouldn't even have to explain myself to you, but Dream is a friend. Him and Sap flew down here to help me out for a while. I wasn't expecting them, but I'm glad they did."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "You've always been blind, George," he said in amusement. George knit his brows at the condescending tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Oliver waved his hand through the air dismissively. "That's not relevant. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. And...if you're willing to? I want to try to fix this. I want to get back together."

George walked home in silence, listening to Sapnap and Dream mess around in front of him, shoving each other around on the sidewalk with paper bags in their arms.

Get back together? What the fuck was Oliver thinking? After everything he's done - showing up at his house, twice, calling him a whore, throwing Edward in his face, cheating on him - he still expected George to take him back?

What was worse is that George was seriously considering it.

"Hey, Gogy!"

George looked up and saw Sapnap bouncing towards him, a gallon of milk swinging in his hand and a bag of groceries clutched in his arm like a soccer ball. He managed to force a small smile.

"Hey, Sappy Nappy,'' he said fondly.

"Do you want to watch a movie when we get home?" Nick asked excitedly. "Dream's never seen the Purge movies before because he's a pussy-"

"I don't like horror movies, Sap!"

"Yeah yeah, you big baby," Sapnap shrugged the comment off. "Anyways, is that okay with you? Watch Clay piss himself on your couch?"

George grimaced. "If he's pissing on the couch, he sure as hell better be the one cleaning it up."

Sapnap laughed and Dream protested loudly from in front of them. George smiled faintly before it faded.

What was he going to do about Oliver?

AN: i hope you guys enjoyed! it's only been two days since i posted the first chapter of this story and we're already at 5k reads... that's insane! thank you all so much :) i hope you're enjoying reading this as much as im enjoying writing it!! gentle reminder that if you're following me on twitter, you'll get live updates on the progress of new chapters and be able to toss in your opinion on the characters! @/sin_city007

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