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Nothing was said as Dro sat in a bus that took him and this girl to God only knows. He hasn't gotten her name, or at least doesn't remember it if he did got it. Being beat for four years straight is starting to have an effect on his brain, but he wouldn't know that.

They sat in the very back of the bus in hats and sunglasses to try and be more incognito. Liyah brought them to a motel four towns away so they could freshen up. She has cash on her and she's already thrown her phone away, along with anything that her father could trace to find them.

She's repeatedly asking herself why the hell is she doing this but the only answer she can come up with is Grace and her happiness. Maybe her father won't catch her and she could just stay around for when Grace needs a break. She would never think of sleeping with the man, but she doesn't mind being strung along for Grace.

The two didn't say a word the next couple of hours that the bus drove towards the connecting station. They'd have to take another bus but Liyah has trucks up her sleeve. She decided to rent a boat, cash, to get them off of the roads and into Libya much quicker.





With new covid regulations, it's been easier to stay hidden from people. If her father even wanted to look for them, he's going to have to wait. With that being said, they've been staying at Liyah's two bedroom home; hiding away for a month now. Completely disappeared from the world.

Alessandro still hasn't spoken much but the month of no torture, cooked meals, and sleep in a real bed has him looking much better than when Liyah kidnapped him. The two have only spoke when it was time to eat or get cleaned because Dro needed help. Liyah has been extremely helpful with Alessandro and his healing. She cooks for him, bathes him, put bandages on him. She's really been looking out for him.

"Thank you," Dro muttered as Liyah put a plate of hot food in front of him. This is probably the most vulnerable that Dro has been in a very, very long time. Having someone cook for you, bathe you because you're so weak, checking on your bruises and wounds. It melted a chip off of his heart, but only a chip, the rest is still cold.

"You haven't spoken much," Liyah said to Dro as she ate her home cooked meal. She moaned at the flavors bursting in her mouth, in a way it made her miss Grace calling to allow her to eat every inch of her. She misses Grace. She misses holding her, making her laugh, and especially the sex. Grace is so flexible that Liyah would have her flip, spin, and split on her face or when they'd decide to have some scissor action going on. Even just staring at her while she sleeps, Grace is a very beautiful women who God blessed both in the face and behind.

Alessandro cleared his throat. "Neither have you," He hasn't heard a moan in four years. It's less of who the moan came out of, he surely isn't attracted to his cousin- or anyone other than Grace but the sound didn't help. In the four years, sex hasn't crossed him mind. It hasn't even occurred to him until now that he hasn't had sex in four years. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of anger towards Grace since she couldn't hold out four years.

She shrugged. "Don't know what to say, really. 'I'm sorry for kidnapping you even though you're probably grateful for it. I can't tell you why I did it though,"

Alessandro smirked at Liyah a little while watching her talk. She reminds him of Grace. Just thinking about her brings him deep pain. Does she think he is dead? Did she even look for him? Does she still care, love him? Would she even want him anymore? Hes battered and bruised, he doesn't have any muscle build due to malnutrition what would she want with him? He's no longer that tough man with an empire behind him, he's no longer the man the could de-stress when he walked into his home. He simply doesn't have one. It's been four years according to Liyah, four years of not looking for him and living her life. He constantly thinks of the babygirl he left behind, the four year old little boy that looked up to him. They wouldn't even know who he is, they wouldn't want a man that wasn't around for most of their life.

"Tell me why," Alessandro more commanded than asked. Liyah took a deep breath before opening her mouth.

"Three years ago I met this girl. She is the epitome of perfect, beautiful, strong," She stopped herself then took a breath. "But she was broken. Damaged. We started having sex, and I was there for her for three years as she wallowed in heartache. She turned into a cold, heartless woman. She talks with no emotion, she lives with no emotion. She still rejects me till the day unless it's for me to eat her pussy," Liyah summarized.

Alessandro was no idiot. "Grace," He simply said back to Liyah. His heart beat sped up at the thought of someone else touching her, pleasing her but he stopped himself at the realization that she never let anyone love her. He still holds that spot in her heart, he knows that he is all she wants. Is he? Is he simply enough anymore?

Liyah nodded. "My father and uncle kidnapped you, he forced me to seek her out but I couldn't find her. One day we were at a bar and we hooked up right there in the bathroom stall. I didn't know who she was until after but my infatuation with her prohibited me from ratting her out. From that day on she never showed her face in public, she only called me when she needed me. I fell in love with her, she however doesn't feel the same way. She's still in love with you,"

"And now you've brought me to I-don't-even-know and profess your love for my wife. If you were gonna kill me you should've done it back at your fathers basement," Alessandro said. The word wife flew out of his mouth before he could even stop it. His body is subconsciously going back to the old him. Wife. He fought back a smile that threatened to expose emotions.

"No," Liyah shook her head. "I'm here to bring you back to her and to sacrifice myself for Grace and her happiness,"

"Why would you do that?" Alessandro just couldn't understand what person would sacrifice themselves for another. It didn't take long for it to click. "You really love her?"

"With my entire heart, she just doesn't feel the same about me but I'm also doing this to spite my father. He's a horrible man who deserves death. I'm returning you to Grace soon, with the knowledge that I am to die but I only ask one thing," Liyah spoke with her eyes closed.

"What?" Alessandro slowly asked.

"Kill him and avenge my mother's death. That piece of shit murdered her right in front of me when I was 14. Did it just to prove a point, that he is untouchable and he owns me," Liyah revealed to Alessandro. He didn't show any emotion but inside he felt for her, losing a mother is something he never had to deal with so he can only imagine the pain. The thought of someone, much less her father, harming this beautiful woman didn't sit right with him. Owns her? He kept repeating to himself until he realized that she meant that her very own father sexually abused her and she can't do anything about it.

"He will not hurt you anymore," Alessandro said making Liyah laugh. Alessandro isn't sure on how far her loyalty goes but she's shown him nothing but genuine emotion. However, just because she's playing saving grace doesn't mean that she's to be trusted. He will still sleep with one eye open. People say a lot when they want to gain your trust, as soon as your guard is down then they fuck you over. Alessandro would know.

"He will go through fire hoops to kill me especially now after helping you escape," Liyah hysterically laughed until Alessandro stood up from the table and made his way over to her.

"I owe you, regardless of your feelings towards my wife, it has kept her and our children safe. Your father will not harm you. My word," He gave her a small smile before caressing her face and walking away into the room she gave him. To Alessandro, she betrayed her family for Grace. It didn't matter why and how Liyah felt towards Grace, it's kept her out of her cruel fathers reach. He knew the type of man his uncle is.

Little did Dro know, to Liyah a man's word meant nothing to her but she's remaining hopeful he stands by it.


Liyah. Liyah. Liyah. I love her character too much😭😭😭

Alessandro has been through a lot in the past four years. The next few chapters will reveal all he has been through, it'll explain why he's the way he is.

Alright! Things have been going tewwwww good 🥴🥴😭😂

Let's get the drama started!!!

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